18. His Words

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The Next Morning

Police had let Billy out of prison after checking his calling records, they were cleared. The police asked him if he wanted to go anywhere before heading to school and he said that he wanted to see you. They looked at eachother weirdly. "Is she your friend or something?" The cop asked. She's my girlfriend. "She's my friend" he replied to them. They all nodded their heads, then led him outside to the police car to go to the hospital.

Once They Got There

News vans, cops, and stranger were still waiting outside the hospital. Billy just wanted to turn himself in but then that would hurt your guy's friendship and ruin his whole life. He knew it was all his fault, he knew he shouldn't of been there, and he knew he didn't deserve you after that. The police led him down the hall and stopped at a glass windowed door. "There" the cop pointed. Billy stopped his tracks and looked at the window. His heart stopped and his eyes widened. You were numb and laying there helplessly.

He tried opening the door, but it was locked. "Why can't I go in?!" He got mad with more tears threatening to pour out. "Sorry, we can't let anything else happen and she needs her private space" the cop said. He broke the truce between his tears and they decided to fall down his eyes. "We'll give you some time" the cops said walking away from him. Billy just stood there with doubts punching him in the gut. He placed his head against the window as he continued looking at you with tears proceeding to come out of his eyes.

"I'm so sorry.." he said in repeat. "I love you..I'm so sorry.." he said again. He knew that if you found that he's the one who did it, you would never ever forgive him and look at him the same. The nurse then walked up to him. "Son?" He startled and quickly wiped his tears, then looked at the nurse.

"Would you like to be the first one to be able to go inside?" Billy's eyes widened a little. "What do you mean by "the first?" He asked. "Well..two other girls, Sheriff, and her parents were here, but they weren't able to go inside since there was a lot going on.." the nurse made a concerned look. Sidney and Tatum were here. "Can I please go in?" Billy pleaded with sadness in his voice.

The nurse nodded and pulled out his keys to unlock the door. The nurse and a cop stood outside the door to guard it as they closed the door when Billy walked in. His eyes were on you and his gut was begging for him to cry some more. He took a closer look at you and your neck was bruised, head was pounded up by cuts and purple marks, your arms were horribly misplaced, along with your one leg being extended a bit more. He turned to make sure that the cops and nurse weren't looking through the window. Good, they weren't.

He leaned down and kissed you deeply. Although your lips felt weak and weren't kissing him back, they were stil soft and allowing him to let you know how much he loved you. He didn't hold your hand since your arm was in pain, but he rubbed your thumb and sat down on the spinny chair as he scooched closer to you. "Hey." He paused to take a deep breath so he wouldn't cry again. "I know you're in misery right now because of me. I know you're still probably wondering who hurt you and that bitch Casey" he whispered for the last part so the cops wouldn't hear him.

"I also know that you probably thought I was strange when you first met me. But you felt different. Different as in..different with your likes and dislikes. Even though you never saw what everybody else saw with what's been happening lately, you still proceeded to keep seated as if nothing's happening. And I loved you for that. I loved you for giving a shit about your life and nobody else's." His throat got tough again.

"You may not be hearing me right now, but I hear you. I hear your heart fighting the living fuck out of death." He looked down to let a tear fall. "I need you, baby" he said starting to cry again. "I need you so bad right now" he placed his hand on top of yours. "If you die, then I promise you that I'll do the same. I'm not fucking around when it comes to you" he said.

"Kid, time's up" the nurse walked in. Billy nodded, stood up, then leaned down to kiss you not caring if they saw. The cop raised an eyebrow. Billy stood up and started walking out as he turned back and forth at you. "I thought she was your friend?" The cop asked. So fucking nosey, I swear. "Well, then I guess I lied" Billy rolled his eyes getting sick and tired of their questions.

Billy Loomis x Reader |1996| |Random|Where stories live. Discover now