30. Quiet Escape

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In The Middle Of The Night

2 AM

Billy and Stu crept through the hallways with their socks on so they wouldn't be loud with their shoes on. Billy slowly opened your door, then walked inside. You were sleeping, good. Stu then accidentally bumped into your crutches, knocking them over. Billy's eyes widened a little. "Shut the fuck up!" He mouthed making Stu put his hands up in defense. Billy slowly took the covers off, then slowly put his hands under your body to lift you up, success.

He picked you up, then walked in front of Stu to leave the room. They weren't planning on taking the elevator since they had to be quiet. They went down the stairs instead. They made it outside and walked over to the police car. Stu had stolen a cop's car keys. "I'm trusting you to drive. You crash us, and I'm killing you" Billy told him. Stu just clapped quietly, then went into the driver's seat. Billy went into the backseat so he could watch you.

He layed you on his lap and observed your face. His heart was still broken after the words you told him hours ago and the pain that he sent into you. He leaned down and kissed your head. "I love you" he whispered quietly.

Billy Loomis x Reader |1996| |Random|Where stories live. Discover now