13. When Two Collide

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After Break

You get up and start speed walking back into the school. "Heyy~~ what's the rush?~" Stu asked while giggling a bit. "Nothing.." you sighed while looking back and forth at Billy who is trying to catch up. Stu also looked back and he started giggling more. "Running from your Romeo?" He started messing around with you. You looked at him with a weird look. "Hey! Stop speed walking!" Billy grabbed your shoulder. You closed your eyes nervously, then ripped his grip off your shoulder and walk away.

Billy furrowed his eyebrows. He then just stood there watching as you walked away. "Fuck" he mumbled. "Love problems?" Stu teased. "Oh, shut the fuck up..you wouldn't get it" Billy eyed him. "Oh, but I do! You tried hand fucking her basically!" Billy then flicked his head. "No. All I want is for her notice me" He rolled his eyes. "She does?" Stu made a confused face. "My fucking god- you don't get it" Billy then stormed away. Stu just sighed dramatically. He then comes up with a good idea. He was going to make you both collide.

He starts thinking of how to do it, then he nodded in approval. It was worth getting a beating by Billy if all it took was to get you two to date without Sidney knowing. He then snapped his fingers having the idea fly past his mind.

Billy Loomis x Reader |1996| |Random|Where stories live. Discover now