25. Protective Feelings

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After School

You walked out of class. Billy saw the opportunity to go talk to you. "Y/n-" "Y/n!" Tatum ran up to you. Billy just looked at her. "Want us to walk you outside?" Sidney walked up, too. Billy furrowed his eyebrows. Where the fuck are they coming from?! "That'd be great, thanks" they nodded and Sidney grabbed your backpack for you. Billy just clenched his fist. He's probably never going to talk to you if they keep bothering you.


You were about to step into Dewey's car until your dad's car pulled up. Your eyes widened. "Come on, Y/n" Sidney told you. "I-I can't...my dad's here" Dewey peeked his head out the window, then gave you a nervous look. "Want me to tell him that you're riding with us?" "No, no, he'll probably get mad if I just ditch his car ride" you replied. He looked at your dad again. "I don't know, Y/n.." Dewey scratched the back of his head. "I know, I know, but like you said, it's my dad, so therefore, I gotta listen to him.." you then grabbed your backpack and started making your way over to his car.

"Hurry inside and stop fucking around!!" He yelled, making your eyebrows furrow. You tried opening the door, but your arms were struggling. You put your crutches against the car. "Get those pieces of shits off my car!!!" He yelled. People stopped to look at you guys. You just started hurrying. You opened the door and jumped in hurting your leg. He then zoomed away.

At The Store

He stopped the car. "Get the hell outta my car" he said looking at you in the review mirror. "Why?" "You wanted to get yourself hurt so bad, so why don't you just get the fuck out more and explore town like a regular teenager" you furrowed your eyebrows. "What?-" "GET OUT!!" He yelled, making you startle. Your eyes widened and you started rushing out the car, but struggled. He drove away. "DAD, STOP!!" You yelled. "YOU CAN WALK HOME IF YOU'RE THAT OBSESSED WITH GETTING HURT!" He yelled. "NO!!! DAD!!!!" You screamed.

You then started crying. "Shit, shit, SHIT!!" You just watched as he drove away. "YOU'RE THE WORST FUCKING DAD IN THE WORLD!!!" You yelled. You continued crying. What a world you lived in. You turned around and started walking your way to the store. It was a video store. You were still crying. You tried opening the door, but struggled. "Here" you turned to the side and saw Billy. He opened the door for you.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" You asked. "Looking for a movie to watch tonight" he lied. He saw what happened between you and your dad. He was on his list. You nodded slowly and wiped the tears. "Thanks, I guess.." you walked in and saw Randy and he saw you. "Y/n!" He ran up to you. "Hey" you smiled weakly. "Jesus Christ, I haven't heard from you in a day, what happened?" He looked concerned. "Same stuff like usual" you shrugged, then walked away. You then saw Stu who was talking to a bunch of girls and laughing.

Billy looked around to make sure that Sidney and Tatum weren't around because they somehow appear out of nowhere. He smiled to himself when he FINALLY saw this as an opportunity to talk to you more. You just walked into a random aisle and looked down crying. You seriously couldn't do this anymore. Billy walked up to you and sighed. He felt like shit for you. He was still mad at himself and all. "Y/n?" You looked at him. "Sorry, I'm not meaning to act like this in front of people..-" "act like what?" He was confused.

"Crying isn't acting like anything. It's just you showing how you feel" he said. You just shrugged and looked down. "Hey, was that your dad outside?" He asked. You nodded. "Yeah" you replied. He scoffed. "What a piece of shit" he whispered, but loud enough for you to hear. "What..?" Your eyes widened a little. "I mean, don't get me wrong..but someone like you shouldn't be treated like that by someone who was trusted for years, right?" He walked up to you.

You just looked at him. "Right.." you agreed. "So don't you think that it's maybe time to just..leave that house for good?" He recommended. "I would, but..my mom is still good to me. I can't just leave her" you replied. "Well, I'm sure she'd understand. Yeah?" He then put his thumb on your chin and lifted your face up to look at him. Your heart was racing. "Yeah.." you agreed again.

Stu then came walking over to you and Billy. "Now..we wanted to ask you again if..you'd come to the party" Billy said. Stu just stood beside him smiling. "Why do I have to come? Why not ask someone else..?" You asked. "Well, let's just say that you're special" Billy replied. Stu just nodded to every word that Billy said. "Yep, yep, yep" Stu added. "And maybe you should come to get your mind off of everything that's been happening lately" he added.

"I'll think about it and if I do decide to go, I'll just have Tatum drop me off" you sighed in defeat. Billy smirked. "Alright, perfect" he said while playing with your hair. "I'm gonna go look around.." you said walking to the next aisle. Once you were not looking, Billy turned to Stu who started cheering silently and patted Billy's back as in "you did it, man, you got your babe." Billy just rolled his eyes while smiling and his heart was racing.

I did it. I got her. She'll be mine. I swear it and I know it.

Billy Loomis x Reader |1996| |Random|Where stories live. Discover now