22. Rough Housing

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The Next Day

You woke up to the window opened. You felt your neck in a cervical collar. You sat up but then your back starting hurting. You layed back down in pain still. You looked at your legs and one of them was in a foot brace. Your arm was in a cast. You also felt a bandage wrapped around your head. But your back? Nah, that shit was never healing and you could tell. The door then opened alarming you once again and your eyes widen. The nurse.

You sighed in relief again. "Morning, dear! While you were sleeping, we set you up in your body braces to help you throughout the way" she smiled. "Let me explain your injuries.." she sat down on a chair. "Your arm is badly damaged, your leg was also badly damaged, your neck is just sprained, your other leg is fine, just also sprained, and your head..we checked it out and it had a pretty bad traumatic brain injury.." she made a worried face. "And my back...?" You asked.

"Oh, honey, those are just bruises and purple marks that are mega, but you'll be okay with rest and medication for it" she nodded. "Do you want anything to eat?" The nurse asked. "Water..?" She smiled and nodded, then walked out the room. You looked at the opened window, then all of the sudden, the bedroom door opened again and you saw Dewey. You smiled when you saw him and he smiled back.

"Hey, kiddo..how you feelin..?" He asked. "I don't know...fine?" He nodded and looked down. "Look, um...this is going to be hard and you're not going to take it well, but..." he took a deep breath. "Your dad said that he wanted you to go to school today.." your eyes widened. "My dad said that..?" He nodded with eyes filled with sorrow. "Why...?" "He said that you missed 3 days of school and doesn't want you getting into trouble.." "since when did he care..?! He didn't wanna come see me, but now he wants me to go to school..?!" You started crying.

"I know, kiddo, I'm sorry.." "I'm not going..." "believe me, if you were my kid, you wouldn't have to go for the rest of the year, but..that's your dad and you have to listen to him.." you started crying more. "No, Dewey..I can't and I don't want to.." you pleaded. "I'm so sorry, Y/n...I really don't want you to go to school today, but..it's your dad's rules.." he sighed. "Here. He brought you extra clothes to wear today" he set the clothes on the bed.

You were still crying and you just started to breathe heavily. The nerve and fright was kicking in again. "What if he's there.." you told him to try and convince him to stay at the hospital. "He won't, police will be surrounding the school all day" you just cried more wanting to die already. "I hate everything...my dad doesn't care about me at this point, he just cares about school..." you told him.

"It'll be alright, I promise.." he tapped your hand. "I don't know..." you shrugged. "Just atleast try for today. Okay?" You nodded. "Stay close to Tatum and Sidney if that helps" he said. He then exited the room and you just continued crying. Mom, where are you..? You took a deep breath and tried to sit up. You winced at the pain of your back and stuff. You then saw cruches sitting by the bathroom door.

Thank God. You started tearing off the hospital gown, which wasn't so hard. You picked up your pants. That was the hardest part. Your back was aching and your mind was spinning. You sat on your bed while changing because your leg hurted too much to stand up."I hate this. I hate dad. I hate that man" you whispered to yourself while crying.

After You Finished

You grabbed your cruches and Dewey grabbed your backpack and led you out the backdoor where nobody was at. He opened the door for you and had two other police officers lift you up and put you in the backseat and he put your cruches next to you and your backpack on the ground. You just looked down the whole ride. You didn't wanna go. You knew it wasn't a good idea to go to school. You were scared because of that man.

Billy Loomis x Reader |1996| |Random|Where stories live. Discover now