The Calling

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At Demons Saving Animals, the place was filled to the brim with animals, and love, thanks to me, Lord Tabby. We had so many crazy adventures, but they all turned out well in the end, good always triumphs over evil, it's easy to spot a villain when you see one. I know, this pet shop scoundrel will show you that.

I was walking through the sanctuary feeding all the animals, rearranging decorations in tanks and toys in cages to provide enrichment, collecting unfertilized eggs from rescue chickens to cook up and use to feed them to help give their nutrients back, I'd probably sneak a bite of two myself, not much but it's a guilty pleasure. But, I know I can do it safely, and peacefully, without nobody coming to harm, that's the best part about animal rescue:
You help nature and it'll help you back.

As I was walking around doing the daily work, I glanced over and saw my girlfriend Leya, playing with a sugar glider, it was such a cute moment, she always loved small animals as much as I did. I went over to her and snuck a kiss on her cheek, she then looked at me and hugged me, making me purr and wag my tail, God it felt so good to be a lesbian.

But our little love session was cut shot by my phone ringing, if I was just some average Joe I would have passed it off as a scam call but since I'm running one of the most reliable non-profit rescues in Michigan, I answered the call, and good thing I did too.
It was my favorite reptile and insect TikTok enthusiast on the phone, her name was Jackie, she was an amazing reptile handler and one of the very few women that doesn't run and scream in the sight of large bugs, I watched her kiss a millipede in one of her videos, it was awesome.

Jackie was calling because she had discovered a PetSmart that was still selling live animals from breeders, and these animals were in terrible condition from what I was told. I thought I had all the PetSmart stores in Michigan stop selling live animals, many of them converted to partnering with rescues to help find animals proper homes.

"What's wrong honey?" Leya asked me, "We got a PetSmart with hostages, we need to get Narrow and Stacy for this". I said getting ready to make more calls, just a few seconds after the calls, two portals opened, one from Heaven and one from Hell. Which then Stacy and Narrow both came through "So what's the plan to saving these animals?" Stacy asked

"Well I'm not sure about you but us demons have human disguises, we're gonna go into the store while it's open and take observation, we can't automatically raid this place, so we're gonna take observation during the day, then at night, we're gonna check, the dumpsters there, because if we catch them throwing live animals out. That's probable cause, we can go in and start the process of freeing these animals". I laid the plan out.

"Why not just have PETA do it?" Narrow asked. "Because while they may be a no-kill shelter now thanks to us, people still look at them cross-eyed for being vegans, no I may not eat animal meat myself, but I'm not an extremist. We're trying to get these animals out quietly, not give out vegan recipes" I replied.

"We head out in thirty minutes" I instructed

Demons Saving Animals: The PetSmart Scoundrel Where stories live. Discover now