Phase One

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Me, Leya, Narrow and Stacy all arrived to the PetSmart Jackie was talking about, good news is we all had human disguises, even Stacy, I didn't think Cherubs needed disguises, but then again, the world ain't peaceful, I wouldn't have a rescue if it was.

We all went into the store to look around, oh I forgot, I also brought my partner in crime, Moxxie the cockatoo. Sometimes it takes an animal to free an animal, Moxxie is clever, since he can open locks and create distractions.
We all looked around, Jackie wasn't kidding, the store was a trainwreck, I pulled out my phone and started secretly taking footage of all the abuse and neglect.

We first got to the fish section, I pointed out to Leya, Narrow, and Stacy what exactly was wrong. "People don't realize it because they think fish are like plants, that they don't feel anything, but look here, Bettas need at least five gallons, so putting them in kitchen tupperware forcing them to swim in their own shit is not a good look. I had a friend who asked me to diagnose her Betta in my Civics class" I explained pointing to the Bettas. Then I focused my attention on the large tanks "Then you have these other fish crammed like they're being sold to be eaten, they're so overcrowded they'll resort to cannibalism" I pointed to multiple half eaten bodies of tropical fish.

We then moved on to observing all the other animals, rodents with missing fur and mutilated bodies, multiple lizards in one tank, some of the lizards even had MBD, malnourished snakes. The birds were the worst, clipped wings, all seed diets, they were basically the equivalent to a legless human eating McDonald's everyday. Then something disgusting caught all of our eyes and ears..

A mother and her son of about seven years old were looking at really tiny cages not even suited for a finch, it was more of a travel cage for taking birds to the vet. The son kept begging her mom "I want one of the Pikachu birds" he kept repeating "Oh dear God" I thought knowing exactly what birds he was talking about, the mini cockatoos, aka, the cockatiels.
I knew exactly what to do, I got close to one of the cockatiel enclosures, turned my back to it, had Moxxie climb down my back and pick the enclosure lock, opening the cage just a little.
Then, I reached my right hand behind my back to Moxxie "Moxxie, bite this finger, just be careful" I said wiggling my index finger, he bit it hard enough to leave a mark but not breaking the skin.
I then faked the pain, "OUCH, One of those cockatiels bit me!! Someone really needs to make sure these locks are locked" I pretended making it sound real, locking the cage then showing the mark Moxxie made on my finger, this got the mom's attention.
"One of those birds did that to you?" She said with a bit of fear in her voice "Yeah, these "Pikachu birds" your son calls them, are cockatiels, they're a part of the cockatoo family, they can be vicious. They're not recommended for kids" I explained.
"Thank you ma'am, I was not aware" The mom said setting the tiny cage down and taking her son out of the store empty handed.
I then let Moxxie climb back up onto my shoulder revealing himself "Good job Moxxie" I started petting his head and fidgeting with his crest.

We then went back to recording.

Demons Saving Animals: The PetSmart Scoundrel Where stories live. Discover now