The Night Heist

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After looking at every cage and deterring multiple customers from making stupid decisions like that mom almost did. We decided to head out for a few to wait until nighttime to come back.
We drove around, we had a little fun, we went to a GameStop, got some game merch, went to Burger King, I introduced the others to the Impossible Whopper, it's really good for being plant based.
"Tabby don't you eat any meat whatsoever? Just curious" Narrow asked.
"Remember Don, Mubby, and Froggo? I ended up eating their bodies. It's different from eating animals, I'm merely punishing a pathetic sinner" I replied
"That's a good point, if there's no body, then the sinner can't be glorified or idolized in any way, humans are naive for idolizing criminals, that's why so many shootings happen" Stacy stated.
"Out of sight, out of mind" Leya added laughing.

After that, it was night. We went back to the PetSmart, we watched the last employee leave for the night, then we went to the dumpsters.
"There's two dumpsters, me and Leya will search one, you two will search the other" I told Narrow and Stacy. "Have your phones ready and recording in case you find signs of life, and also any undamaged new pet supplies we find, we're gonna take them, they can be reused and donated to shelters and rescues".

We began searching through both dumpsters, we found a shit ton of unopened animal toys, heat lamps for reptile cages, even whole cages themselves, we basically took half the dumpsters and loaded them up because of how much new stuff there was.
But when me and Leya went back to get more, we found our probable cause, and it was disgusting.
There was a dirty box containing three live parakeets, all of their wings were so badly clipped, they couldn't fly at all. We then found a water filled bag with multiple live guppies mixed in with dead ones, along with more tupperware containers but with geckos in them instead of Bettas.
"Tabby, look what we found!" Stacy exclaimed holding up two containers of live mice, six mice to be exact, it was incredible how none of them were severely injured.

We then all took pictures and video of the evidence we had. "We have our probable cause, next step is to shut this place down" I instructed once again.

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