The PetSmart Downfall

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We were all back at the sanctuary rehabilitating the animals we recovered from the dumpsters of that PetSmart.
"So how are we gonna rescue these animals?" Leya asked.
"Well you see this PetSmart is like a troll TikTok account, you gotta infiltrate it from multiple ends. First you got the followers, expose the darkness to the followers, they leave" I held up printed photos of our evidence.
"Then you gotta report the content if a troll is naive enough to post offensive content. Remember when Moxxie unlocked that cage door? We'll have him create distractions as he unlocks the cages holding the hostages. And then, the main report, go after the store as a whole".

And that's what we did, we went back to the store to carry out our plan, we first tainted the public restrooms with the images of the animals we found in the dumpsters, many customers that went into those restrooms left the store as soon as they saw those pictures.
I then held Moxxie up a little "See the cameras boy? Go get them" I then gently tossed Moxxie to get him to fly, he flew up to the security cameras disconnecting them. I signaled to Narrow and Stacy pointing at the rodent enclosures, they unlocked the cages and started sneaking rodents out of the store.
Leya automatically did the same thing with the reptiles and birds.

The manager of the store found us as we were rescuing the hostages. "Why would you humans do this?" He asked.
"We're not human bud, we don't enjoy inflicting pain for pleasure" I said and I revealed my demon form to the manager, Narrow, Leya, and Stacy followed and revealed themselves too, causing the manager to shake in fear.
"L-Lord Tabby, I-I-I wasn't expecting you to be here. I thought you were rescuing more farm animals or lab animals" The manager stuttered.
I didn't hesitate to pin him against the wall and show him the photos and videos of all the abused animals at the store.
"I got an anonymous tip that you were exploiting domestic animals for profit. By the way, how come we found four different species of animals, IN YOUR DUMPSTER!?!" I roared showing the photos of the dumped animals.
"I-I-I thought they were dead" The manager lied, I pinned him harder against the wall.
"DON'T YOU LIE TO ME! I DON'T TOLERATE THAT BULLSHIT" I squeezed his left arm tightly.
"Fine... I admit it... It's hard to sell animals... We can't find anywhere to put animals that don't get sold" the manager sighed.

"Are you fucking kidding me?? One, animals weren't meant to be sold like decorations in the first place, you own part of a company that makes MILLIONS from just selling supplies alone, no animals!! And two, there are HUNDREDS of fucking shelters and rescues, including mine, that will take these animals. You have no damn excuse to be doing this!!" I explained.

Demons Saving Animals: The PetSmart Scoundrel Where stories live. Discover now