The Resolution

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The manager sighed, admitting defeat. So we took all the animals from the store, we found them all homes. The manager signed a contract to never sell another live animal in his store ever again.
We all went back to the sanctuary getting some of the newcomers settled in. "You are so cute, yes you are" Leya cooed at a bearded dragon she was petting.
We got all of the animals vet checked, many of them did have minor health problems, infections, sickness, some of them did have more major problems. But the good news is they all survived, we didn't have a single casualty.
Many rescues and shelters took most of the refugees we saved from that store. But like said, we got stuck with some, and that's okay. Demons Saving Animals is open for everyone.

Stacy and Narrow decided to stay a while with us, and I can't complain about that either, I'm probably gonna get another call down the road for another mission.

But that's okay, our hearts out pure ❤️

Demons Saving Animals: The PetSmart Scoundrel Where stories live. Discover now