Chapter 4: Riding Through Olympus

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(If you think I was inspired by a certain video game with a certain part, you would be correct! I couldn't help it! And since this is Idia's book, he would be proud! Anyway, this is a lot of fun to write! I hope you like it! Enjoy!

Update on May 24, 2023: So, who would've thought that the Shroud parents were loving and caring about their sons? I didn't. Well, this will be changed now! Also, this was a short part to fix up. Thank you and enjoy!) 

                  Pina found herself standing in the beautiful, clear office meeting room. Clear windows displaying the wonderful, busy city from below. There is a golden table before herself with many chairs that would've held the important people who work in Olympus. The chairs were made of the fanciest materials with the table holding anything the being needed. They could conjure up a notebook and pen or pull up a screen to display results. There is a large, high tech T.V. clearly from S.T.Y.X which displayed two shadowy figures. One of the figures had the same blue, flaming hair she knew so well.

Pina bit the inside of her mouth and focused on those before her besides the beings on the screen.

"My dear Proserpina!" someone greeted warmly as she rushed to embrace her in a tight hug, "Oh, mother dreadfully missed you! How are you doing? Is school treating you well? No one is bothering you, right?"

"Yes, mother. I am fine" Pina reassured her as she returned the embrace.

Now, her mother is the current owner of the World Tree and managing it all on her own. She is a large, round lady with the same hair color as her daughter's. She has a pair of light, green eyes and is shorter than her. She is wearing a dark, elegant green dress with golden earrings and bracelets. She has her long, green hair in a sophisticated ponytail. Hanging from her neck is pendant with a green gem holding her magic. Her skin isn't as tanned as her daughter but that's due to her working in the office all day. She loves her daughter so much and wants the best for her and their company as well as their relationship with the Jupiter family.

"Oh, wonderful!" her mother said as she pulled away, but she held her hands with a warm expression, "I was a little worried since you asked for an extra day to remain at your campus"

Pina let out a nervous laugh and left it at that. However, another person approached the mother daughter duo who a shake of her head.

"It is interesting that RSA didn't give you a free pass. I assume they would since you've done so much for the school's gardens and leadership" a senior from RSA, Mentha Hedyosmos, spoke with a refined manner as she stood behind them.

She is a senior from Royal Sword Academy and in the same dorm as Pina. Though, she is taller than the pair. She has beautiful, long, light blue hair tied in a high ponytail with curls at the ends. She has vibrant skin and with elegant, rosy colored eyes. She is wearing a pink suit with a white shirt with a pink badge pinned on her suit. She is holding a tablet and was taking notes for Miss Ver. She a pink crown in her hair and grinned at them.

"Ah! Mentha! You're interning here?!" Pina exclaimed with worry as a few flowers bloom in her hair before she shakes it.

Mentha was surprised by her reaction and made note of it by tapping on the tablet.

"Did I not inform you before I left RSA?" Mentha asked curiously, "Well, if I must remind you, I submitted my resume to your mother who let me intern here"

"Ah! That's right!" Pina answered a little loudly while rubbing the back of her head, completely forgot that tiny detail.

She puts her hands down as she wonders if this will interfere with her plans, but she doesn't have time to think about this as her attention is focused on the screen.

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