Third Option

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The tension in the room was relatively low for the conversation taking place in it. Jake stared at Sunghoon intensely, waiting for his response. They were in Sunghoon’s dorm room; the omegas spent a lot of time together there. It was closer to everything, so it just made sense for them. Plus, Sunghoon shared his dorm with two other friends of their, Jungwon and Sunoo. Jake shared his with two friendly omegas, Beomgyu and Wooyoung, but they weren’t as close. There was also a very high chance they would set the dorm on fire on accident, or intentionally, at some point; Jake didn’t want to be involved in that. They were nice, but much like him, didn’t spend much time at their own dorm.

Though, at the moment, that wasn’t the focus of the conversation. What matter was that Jake had made quite the brave and outrageous statement. Because that’s what it had been, a statement, not a question.

“Of course, not,” Sunghoon had the cheek to contest, a bit too fast if you asked Jake. “You like Heeseung-hyung.”

“Well, yes,” Jake admitted with ease. “But you like him, too, don’t deny it.”

“You are my best friend, I wouldn’t do that to you,” Sunghoon insisted, but Jake’s gaze didn’t waver. Sunghoon felt the pressure from him building up until he cracked. “Fine, I like Heeseung-hyung too, happy?”

“Ecstatic.” Jake smiled, not being sarcastic. “So, when will you confess?”

“When will you confess, you mean,” Sunghoon said, baffled.

“Uh, never? Why would I even confess? You should do it,” Jake countered. “You’d be better for him after all.”

“Excuse me?” Sunghoon sounded actually offended. “There’s no one better than you for hyung,” Sunghoon argued.

“Yes, there is,” Jake continued. “You.”

“Please,” Sunghoon scoffed. “Like, sure, I’m great, but!” He stood closer to Jake as he pointed with one finger up. “You are cuter and smaller, a much better omega for hyung,” Sunghoon was quite proud of himself for his points.

“Um, no? You are prettier and Heeseung-hyung likes muscles, you have better muscles than me,” Jake said. To prove his point, he squeezed Sunghoon’s biceps.

“Well… but you are kinder and softer, Heeseung-hyung would be dumb to date anyone else.” Sunghoon refuted, trying to convince Jake that he was the one for Heeseung.

“He’d be dumb to date anyone else other than you, you are fun and caring,” Jake argued back, Sunghoon was starting to get irritated.

“But you share more common interests, you can go on cute dates together!” Sunghoon pouted now as he made his point.

“Look at you! You are being all adorable and want me to date Heeseung instead?” Jake pointed at him as if his pout proved his point.

“Yes! Because you are cute, like, all the time!” Sunghoon maintained. “And look at your lips, they are more kissable than mine!”

“You have prettier fingers!” Jake shouted back, the argument getting more and more confusing.

“And you have a prettier waist, look at how small it is!” Sunghoon said as he moved closer again, lifting Jake’s t-shirt and placing his hands around Jake’s waist.

“But what about yours?!” Jake went through the same motions as Sunghoon, making sure to really press his fingers against the skin tickling Sunghoon.

“But you—!” Sunghoon started, but was promptly interrupted by Jay who just happened to walk past Sunghoon’s room.

“The fuck did I just walk into?” He asked, confused and unsure if he actually wanted an answer. Jay was an alfa and Jungwon’s boyfriend, but he was also a good friend of theirs and so Jake thought he could help them out.

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