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Jake had tensely excused himself out of Sunghoon’s room and dorm all together after that. They had stayed quiet for a beat too long and Jake couldn’t find it in himself to come up with a simple and fast answer; he needed time to think things through. So, while not being the most gracious about it, Jake thought he made the right decision. He’d think about it, long and hard, and then he’d go back to Sunghoon to talk it through. Hopefully, Sunghoon would also think about it.

What Jake hadn’t known was that Sunghoon didn’t need to think about it, he knew what he wanted. In the instant that Jay had pointed out all the things he’d said, the things he thought, Sunghoon admitted to himself he wanted to date Jake. He still wanted to date Heeseung, but Jake was more than enough and someone he could see himself being with in the long term. Jake’s awkward exit, though, made him insecure about what the other felt, even if Jay had made it seem like it was obviously mutual.

In his mind, any combination was fair. It could be one where he was with Heeseung, though he’d want Jake to be happy as well. He was certain that Jake would be happy with Heeseung, after all, there was a reason for him to like Heeseung as well. He knew without a doubt that their hyung could and would take care of Jake properly and would make sure the other omega was the happiest. But, as Jay had so tactfully pointed out, he could do that for Jake as well. 

But, maybe, that wasn’t something that Jake wanted and Sunghoon would respect that. He would stick to his original plan of getting him to date Heeseung instead, then. 

That was, of course, if he got the chance to talk it out with Jake first. Jake had run away with so much tension and urgency, Sunghoon couldn’t see it happening any time soon. That, however, didn’t mean he wouldn’t try. Jake was his best friend and he would not lose that because he felt more. Because he wanted more. 

As Jake’s best friend, he was well aware of how good the other was at avoiding people if he wanted to. He had some tough work ahead of him, but Sunghoon wasn’t one to give up easily. Especially not when it came to Jake. 

“So… what happened with Jake-hyung?” Sunoo unexpectedly asked as soon as he arrived at the dorm. 

“How do you know something happened?” Sunghoon was so surprised by the question he couldn’t even come up with a lie or deny it.

“I have my ways,” he said cryptically and waited for Sunghoon to tell him exactly what happened. He rolled his eyes when he realised Sunghoon wouldn’t speak unless he told him how he’d heard about it already. “Wooyoung was at their dorm when Jake-hyung returned and he said he looked weird. Jake-hyung was here before that, so something happened here or on his way there, now tell me.”

“You talk with Wooyoung?” Sunghoon wouldn’t really be surprised by that, but he hadn’t known.

“Sometimes, but Riki told me,” Sunoo shrugged. “Yeonjun-hyung told him, in case you wanted to know,” he added as a clarification before Sunghoon could ask.

“Oh, okay,” he nodded, that made more sense. “So, Jay came by and heard us arguing over who should date Heeseung-hyung—”

“I’d never guess you two would fight for an alpha, even if he’s Heeseung-hyung,” Sunoo commented before Sunghoon could finish.

“Yeah, no,” Sunghoon chuckled. “Anyway, Jay heard us and when we tried to get him to help us settle the argument, he told us to date each other instead.” He summarised what had happened. “And I think Jake didn’t take it well.”

“Uh… how did Jay-hyung reach that conclusion? What exactly were you saying?” Sunoo was openly judging Sunghoon with his eyes, letting him know he made no sense.

“Listen, between Jake and I, who’d be a better boyfriend for Heeseung-hyung?” Sunghoon was slightly offended by Sunoo’s reaction.

“I don’t want to answer that,” Sunoo said automatically, he would not get involved in whatever fight they had.

“No, listen, I have very good and valid reasons as to why Jake should be Heeseung’s boyfriend; I have a list,” Sunghoon explained and Sunoo’s brain finally clicked.

“Oh, I see,” Sunoo held back his laughter. “You two started a compliments war.” It was Sunoo’s conclusion. Sunghoon shrugged and nodded, he guessed it could be summarised like that. “So, did Jake not like Jay’s comment or…?”

“I don’t know, but he did escape right after it, pretty much ran from here,” Sunghoon said. Evidently it had affected him more than Sunghoon had thought, if Wooyoung was able to tell without Jake telling him exactly what had happened. He hoped he could still save their friendship, at the very least.

“You’ll talk to him, right?” Sunoo asked, knowing the answer already.

“That’s the idea, yeah,” Sunghoon confirmed.

It’d take a whole day before Sunghoon could find Jake again. Not because he hadn’t tried, he knew Jake’s schedule by heart and exactly when and where all his classes took place. But Jake knew Sunghoon had all that information and also knew about Sunghoon’s schedule. In simple words, he was always one step ahead. That was, until it was the evening and Jake had gotten out late from his last class. Which meant that Sunghoon could catch up to him, though he still had to figure out how to bring up the topic without Jake running away again.

Sunghoon linked his arm with Jake’s as soon as he saw him walking out of the class, looking paranoidly in every direction. Somehow, he still didn’t see Sunghoon approaching him. He tensed up and Sunghoon felt bad for causing Jake so much distress, to the point that it had affected his scent slightly. However, he reasoned with himself, this was necessary. They needed to talk so he wouldn’t feel like this whenever they met. And Sunghoon would do anything in his power to continue to be friends with Jake.

Jake looked so scared and Sunghoon could feel how fast Jake’s heart was beating. He wanted to make it better, but didn’t know how. There was no way he’d leave the conversation for some other time, so things had to be solved for everything to be right again.

“Sunghoon—” Jake started at the same time as Sunghoon guided them towards his dorm. Jake sighed, accepting he had no escape. “My dorm is empty,” he commented.

Sunghoon hummed, not changing his course. “Mine’s too, and it’s closer.” Jake got more anxious in that moment, but Sunghoon had to remain strong.

They arrived at Sunghoon’s dorm not five minutes after that. Jake hadn’t said anything the entire way there and simply followed Sunghoon into each place, as he had said, it was completely empty. Sunghoon let go of Jake’s arm as soon as they entered the dorm, knowing Jake wouldn’t ran away anymore. Shifting from one foot to the other, Jake felt uncomfortable and unsure of what to do for the first time in Sunghoon’s presence. 

Sunghoon guided Jake over to the couch, sitting down and prompting Jake to do the same. Once they were both sitting, Sunghoon licked his lips and gathered his thoughts to be clear as he spoke.

“I really like you, Jake.” His first statement was out and Jake looked as surprised as he had expected him to be.

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