Something Missing

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They spent their heats together at Jake’s dorm. It was the easiest solution, after they had talked about whether they wanted to spend it together or not. They had been dating for a couple of months, were more than comfortable with each other, so the decision was taken quickly. Either dorm would have worked, Sunoo could and would most likely stay with Riki while Jungwon could stay with Jay. On the other hand, Beomgyu already spent half the week with Taehyun and Wooyoung was anywhere but at the dorm six out of seven days. They didn’t know where, but he most definitely was with San.

In the end, they settled for Jake’s dorm because it felt less like kicking everyone else out and more just taking advantage of their already constant absence. Sunghoon arrived at the dorm earlier with a bag with all kinds of stuff, they needed to be prepared. They got everything they could possibly need, water, food and other necessities.

The experience was incredible, Sunghoon concluded. He’d never been gladder to have accidentally bought a double ended dildo than during this heat. It took a bit of trial and error, a lot whining and a bit of frustration, but by the end of it they knew what they were doing. Mostly, at least. Sunghoon wouldn’t change a thing and couldn’t wait for their next heat. Though regular sex was fun too, heat-sex was something else. It was more intimate and a lot more needy.

So, he couldn’t understand why he still felt a little unsatisfied. Guilt was eating at him the morning after their heat had ended. He was lying against Jake’s chest, arms circling his tiny waist while both were covered in the remnants of their heats… and still, something didn’t feel complete. It couldn’t be Jake’s fault, he was perfect, so something had to be wrong with him.

He wanted to cry.

“Hoonie? Are you awake?” Jake whispered softly, and it shouldn’t hurt as much as it did.

“Yeah…” he answered anyway, because Jake didn’t deserve this from him.

“I…” Jake hesitated and Sunghoon could feel how nervous he was from the way his heart was beating. “Did it also feel like… something was wrong to you?” Jake asked. Sunghoon had never panicked so much in his life.

“D-did I do something you didn’t like? Was I—?” Sunghoon got up so fast he got dizzy. Jake used this opportunity to calm him down, realising he hadn’t chosen his words well.

“No! No, that’s not what I meant.” He held Sunghoon’s arm and had him sitting on the bed again. “I just… it felt… I don’t want you to misunderstand, this was probably the best heat of my life, but…” He played around with Sunghoon’s fingers; they were so pretty. “But did it not feel like something was… missing?”

Sunghoon stared at Jake for a moment, making split second decisions that would amount to nothing because his mouth spoke without permission. “Yeah, or someone…”

“Exactly!” Jake, thankfully, sounded relieve that Sunghoon had thought the same way. “Just… obviously you are more than enough but, maybe, we didn’t give that proper closure and it just…”

“Stayed in our unconscious during our heat? You think we should- should talk to Heeseung-hyung?” Sunghoon dropped any pretences of feigning that they weren’t talking about Heeseung; there was no point.

“Yes? I mean, we don’t know how he feels, right? And imagine how much more fun it would all be with him around as well,” Jake said excitedly. He was probably still influenced a bit by his heat, Sunghoon rarely saw him being that straightforward.

In all honesty, though, Sunghoon could picture it. He’d thought about it a couple of times during some of their dates. He’d catch himself wondering how Heeseung would fit in the scenario, what he would say, how he’d act. It had been a pressing thought through the entirety of their heats. He could not deny that he was intrigued by the idea of it, of both of them being Heeseung’s and each other’s. But he was also a little scared of what he’d do if Heeseung wanted only one of them. If Heeseung wanted just Jake, it would break his heart, but he’d let Jake go with him. Or so he wanted to believe, but maybe he’s a bit more selfish than that.

“What will you do if… if hyung wants to date only you?” Sunghoon asked, because he wasn’t going to let his insecurities consume him in silence.

“He either wants us both or will have to let me keep dating you; I’m not going to break up with you for hyung, no matter how much I like him,” Jake huffed. “I wouldn’t stop you if you wanted to date him only, though,” he admitted, looking a little down. Resigned.

“I’d never,” Sunghoon quickly refuted. “I could never choose, but if he were to make me chose while you aren’t… the answer is more than clear.” Sunghoon explained. “I was afraid you’d choose him if he asked…”

“If he liked me as much as you do, he’d never make me chose.” Jake said without hesitation, making Sunghoon’s heart flutter and igniting the need to hug him in Sunghoon. He dived in right away against Jake, burring himself against Jake’s chest and squeezing him as tight as his arms would let him.

After that, Sunghoon didn’t feel as guilty as before. His heart was lighter and his insecurities had been relieved. He could tell Jake felt similarly as he was giggling and hugging Sunghoon with his entire body. It was nice and relaxing after the tension left their bodies. They managed to enjoy the aftermath of their heats, even if they did need a thorough and long bath. Sunghoon thought of it as a priority, not enjoying the dry and somehow still sticky feeling of his skin; but Jake felt so warm and was so happy it was hard to get up.

They could deal with that and the conversation with Heeseung later.

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