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They didn’t tell everyone right away about the change in their relationship, but they also didn’t attempt to hide it. To be fair, not much had changed in their behaviour; Sunghoon ended up explaining to Jake that no one was surprised precisely because of how they had been acting up to that point. Hand holding and being mostly draped around the other wasn’t new; there was, however, more kissing involved.

Jungwon and Sunoo had wanted to kill them a couple of times —as they had walked in on them making out more than once in the span of a week. They couldn’t complain much, as Sunghoon reminded them as to why they had a no fucking in shared areas ban to begin with. That didn’t stop them from teasing the new couple, but it did make them shut up after a few annoying remarks.

They made out in Sunghoon’s room most of the time, anyway, since Jake was more comfortable there. Occasionally, and since Jake’s dorm was empty more often than not, they’d go over there and spend a lot of time pretending to do things other than making out. That is not to say the only thing they did was kiss and be all over the other, they did spend time together doing other stuff.

So far, they’d gone on several dates as well. They’d gone out to eat, much like they had in the past, it just had an added layer of intimacy and warmth to it. It showed in the way they’d held hand and playing with each other’s feet under the table. Sunghoon was pretty sure no one could see the difference but them, though it didn’t really matter. They’d gone to the movies twice since they started dating. Once to watch a new movie Jake had wanted to see, and once as an excuse to make out there. It was a sort of fantasy they shared.

They still hung out with their friends and withstood they endless teasing, especially Jay’s. They still met with Heeseung, both as a couple and individually. While they never told Heeseung directly that they had started dating, there was no doubt in their mind that Heeseung knew. Either because of Jay’s comments or because he actually talked with Beomgyu on the daily, and Beomgyu had walked in on them more than once. There was simply no way Heeseung hadn’t figured it out one way or another.

“What are you going to do for your heat?” Sunoo had asked him as they avoided the ever-growing pile of assignments they had for their different classes. They had sat down in the shared space of the dorm with the intention to do some of the work. So far, Sunghoon had managed to finish exactly one paper and had been staring at his next assignment for the past thirty minutes.

“What do you mean?” He’d been so focused on absolutely nothing, his brain had not been fast enough to comprehend the question.

“Usually you’d tell us so we stay away from your room for a couple of days, but now that you are with Jake…” Sunoo gave more context to his question. Mostly, he just wanted to be able to plan ahead.

“Our heats are synced.” He commented, more so as added information than to give an answer. “I need to talk about it with Jake, but it shouldn’t be that different from usual.”

“I’m not surprised you have your heats at the same time,” Sunoo deadpanned. “Just let me know if you’ll spend it together so I can tell Riki that I’ll be staying with him.” He intended to go back to work, though he wasn’t even sure what he was reading. With frustration, Sunoo turned back a couple of pages and started over.

If his calculations were right, he still had three days until his heat. Plenty of time to have a serious talk with Jake. It could wait, though it did get him thinking how they’d handle it. Under normal circumstances, he didn’t mind switching with Jake, but in heat… well, that was another story. He guessed and hoped the toys he had would be enough, he was sure that it would be quite interesting and better that being alone.

The following day, they met up with Heeseung. Sunghoon was thinking he could talk about their heats with Jake once they left. Though, he was having so much fun it was more of a thought at the back of his mind. Things were comfortable, they were having lunch outside, the sun was shining but not too strong that it’d be annoying. Honestly, the best day of the week. And then Heeseung spotted someone behind them, waving at whoever it was.

“Hey guys, I’m surprised you don’t mind third wheeling,” Beomgyu joked as soon as he had reached where they were sitting.

“What?” Heeseung seemed confused, but Beomgyu dismissed him.

“I was actually looking for you, Jake,” he told them, looking over at Jake.

“We live together, you have my number, it can’t be that hard to find me,” Jake commented, worried by what Beomgyu could say. Beomgyu simply shrugged.

“Okay, I didn’t put that much effort,” he admitted. “Anyway, you marked in the calendar that your heat’s coming up so,” he gestured vaguely towards Sunghoon as he spoke. Heeseung looked lost.

“So?” Jake asked and Sunghoon wanted to smack him. The question was pretty obvious.

“Will you be spending it at the dorm or at Sunghoon’s dorm?” Beomgyu asked more directly. Sunghoon had to resist the need to groan as they still hadn’t talked about it. He didn’t hold back, though, in his head to smack his own head against Jake’s shoulder; it always calmed him down to be that close to his scent.

“Why… why would he spend it at Sunghoon’s dorm?” Heeseung sounded confused, but also slightly like he was aware that his question sounded stupid to the rest.

“I mean, I’m assuming they’ll spend it together, but it could be at either dorm, right?” He looked over at Jake and Sunghoon, in hopes of finding validation to his suppositions.

“We haven’t really talked about it yet,” Sunghoon told Beomgyu, who nodded in understanding. “Jake will tell you once we’ve decided what we are doing.” He sounded too formal, but he wasn’t as close with Beomgyu so he felt a little awkward sometimes.

“Fair,” he said before sighing. “Now, Tae’s waiting for me and he does not like it when I’m unpunctual, so I’ll see you around!” He waved at them and then looked at Heeseung, “we are still playing tonight.” He then left as fast as he had arrived.

Beomgyu had probably not meant to make the mood awkward, but that had been what happened once he left. Heeseung was staring at both of them like he'd gone insane and Jake was avoiding looking at everyone. Sunghoon had taken a moment to disconnect, stare at nothing while he accepted the silence that had formed between them. They would have to talk about it, but Sunghoon would have appreciated if others hadn’t gotten involved in their personal matters.

“So…” he attempted to bring back the conversation to what it had been. He failed.

“You spend your heats together?” Heeseung asked, cheeks tainted pink and obviously knowing he was stepping a boundary or two by asking that.

Sunghoon looked at Jake, unsure of how to answer. He wouldn’t mind telling Heeseung everything about his heats, what he wanted for this heat with Jake, it was a little perverted fantasy he could play with. But he wasn’t sure Jake would be okay with that.

“W-we haven’t… before,” Jake stuttered out. “This would be our first, if we decide to… um… spend it together,” he answered honestly, Sunghoon had the feeling Jake wanted it as much as he did.

“Oh,” Heeseung looked down, processing the words. “But aren’t your heats in sync? Won’t it be hard for you?” Sunghoon was tempted to make a joke about other things being hard, but he was probably better off keeping it to himself.

“We’ll figure it out,” Sunghoon said instead. “Have some faith in us and what we can do.” Sunghoon tried so hard not to blush, but the way Heeseung’s eyes widen at the obvious images that had popped into his mind were not helping.

“Y-yeah, of course, I’m sure you can… handle… yourselves…” Heeseung struggled with his words.

“I can’t deal with this,” Jake finally broke. “What are you playing with Beomgyu-hyung tonight?” Jake asked, not hiding he just wanted to change the subject.

Sunghoon laughed first, then Heeseung followed as he started explaining the game, plus complaining about Beomgyu’s gaming habits.

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