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It was a couple of days after Heeseung had, somewhat forcibly, joined Sunghoon and Jake’s relationship when Jake had an idea. Sunghoon was abruptly woken up way too early for his liking by Jake claiming they were going on a date. Sunghoon agreed instantly, but he still grumbled while getting ready. Jake had coffee prepared for him, so everything was fine.

Of course, after that, they had to get Heeseung. And so, they found themselves being let in to Heeseung’s dorm by Jay. Much like when they had started dating, they really didn’t tell anyone about Heeseung’s addition, but everyone was quickly catching on to it. Jay had been confused for less than a second before nodding and accepting that this was the most logical next step in their relationship.

“So… I have to leave, hyung is probably still asleep so just wake him up,” Jay said, taking his phone and wallet from over the table. “You know how he is when he has nothing to do,” Jay commented before leaving.

Sunghoon and Jake knew exactly what he was talking about. If allowed, Heeseung would sleep until late in the afternoon. They didn’t want to just barge in into his room yet, so instead they knocked as loudly and obnoxiously as they could on his room’s door. Somehow, Heeseung still didn’t get up. Like the normal and respectful boyfriends that they were, they decided to simply get inside the room and push Heeseung off the bed… after getting themselves on the bed.

“Get up, Jakey wants to go on a date,” Sunghoon informed Heeseung, who now laid on the floor.

“Okay…” he groaned, barely opening his eyes as he attempted to get up. If his omegas wanted to go out on a date, he’d take them out on a date. “Do I have time to at least get changed? Where are we going?” Heeseung was visibly disoriented, but he still tried his best.

“It’s a surprise!” Jake told him before Sunghoon could answer that he didn’t know either. “Dress comfortable; we’ll wait out so don’t fall back asleep.” It was a threat and Heeseung took it as such.

In no time, Heeseung was dressed and ready to go. He even managed to have some small breakfast before leaving, thanks to Jay who’d left some food ready for him. He wasn’t sure when the other alpha had prepared it, but he was grateful. 

Jake guided them to their destination, though Sunghoon figured out where they were going a third of the way there. Heeseung either didn’t realise or was still too unconscious to recognise the way. Smiling was unavoidable once Sunghoon had the realisation and Jake could tell right away that he knew; it earned him a light shove as they walked.

“What was that?” Heeseung wondered as Sunghoon kept giggling and Jake looked disappointed that he couldn’t manage to surprise Sunghoon.

“Don’t tell him.” Jake told Sunghoon. 

“I know where we are going,” Sunghoon laughed, loving the way it made Jake pout and blush.

“Don’t,” Jake warned. Sunghoon chuckled but didn’t say anything else.

“What? But I want to know,” Heeseung pouted as well, hoping that would get them to tell him.

“You’ll know soon,” Jake said and pulled harder on his arm to keep walking.

It was only once they were approaching one of the few buildings that had an ice-skating rinks in the area, that Heeseung finally understood what the date was all going to be about. Heeseung and Sunghoon shared a look, knowing that even if Jake had seemingly spontaneously wanted to go on a date, he had planned this days ago. Probably had the idea the instant Heeseung had admitted to liking them.

“You don’t know… how to skate,” Heeseung hesitated halfway through his sentence, but he’d already started so he finished it anyway.

“I do! A little…” Jake defended himself, knowing that had been directed at him. 

“Holding onto the rail and going around the rink definitely counts,” Sunghoon teased him earning a pout from Jake, which he kissed instinctively. 

“That’s not the point,” Jake pulled them both by their arms. “I know you like watching Sunghoon skating, and I like watching both of you,” he accused Heeseung while exposing himself. 

“And we can always teach you, tight?” Heeseung added, readily going along even if he had been the one to bring up Jake’s lack of skating skills.

“Sure, we can go with that too,” Jake shrugged. 

Several minutes later and after a lot of effort, the three of them found themselves on the ice. There weren’t that many people yet, and they doubted it would get that crowded. As Sunghoon had stated, Jake held onto the rail and remained stuck to it at first. Heeseung stayed next to him for a while, as they both watched and cheered Sunghoon on, who complied to all their requests for flashy tricks. Jake had them race each other, with a kiss being their price. They were already pretty competitive, the incentive made their race even more intense.

Sunghoon won, but Heeseung still got a kiss from both of them.

Jake looked genuinely happy and pleased with himself, even if they did get some weird stares from some of the other people skating. It didn’t matter to him, they already got weird stares when it was just him and Sunghoon, for being two omegas. At least with Heeseung being an alpha, the stares were less harsh and people seemed to mind their own business. Probably because while they were obviously together, with Jake standing to the side it didn’t look that abnormal. And then Sunghoon had an idea. He skated towards Heeseung, they both would get Jake to let go of that railing even if only for a bit.

“I have an idea, it’s probably a stupid idea, but you’ll help me anyway,” Sunghoon stated. 

“Will it get us killed?” Heeseung asked, looking at Sunghoon for a second before looking forward to make sure the rink didn’t suddenly fill with people.

“Uh… probably not,” Sunghoon said, deeming that dying was always a possibility.

“Good enough for me,” Heeseung said and listened carefully to Sunghoon’s plan. 

It was a very simple plan, which hadn’t been though out further than an initial intention and had one clear objective. Heeseung loved it, though. They’d go up to Jake, Heeseung would offer his hand which Jake would hold without questioning and then he’d get pulled from the railing. Sunghoon would then hold onto Jake’s other hand and, hopefully, none of them would fall.

Jake eyes them suspiciously, knowing they were up to something. Sunghoon’s plan still worked and soon Jake was crushing their hands, they didn’t mind. With cautious movements, Jake attempted to help with moving forwards. Even with Heeseung and Sunghoon trying to help him out with learning, Jake was struggling. He got better with a little effort.

“I hate you,” Jake grumbled. 

“No, you don’t,” Sunghoon argued.

“You like holding hands,” Heeseung helped Sunghoon’s case.

“The hand holding is nice, but I still hate you,” Jake insisted, getting a stronger grip on Sunghoon’s hand as he almost lost balance. 

“We won’t let you fall,” Sunghoon reassured him. “Relax, this’ll be fun!”

Jake trusted them enough to release some tension from his muscles. He was having fun; he had just been enjoying watching Heeseung and Sunghoon skating more when he wasn’t scared he’d fall. Now he was also scared he’d fall and would make the other two fall as well. Jake reminded himself that Heeseung was an alfa, and probably had enough natural strength to support both, him and Sunghoon, if they were to trip; and Sunghoon had put on a lot of muscle recently, making him possibly as strong as Heeseung. They’d be fine.

Once Jake was relaxed, they actually had a great time. They laughed and stumbled a couple of times, but nothing too dangerous. Heeseung was right, he did enjoy holding hands, he almost wished he’d been doing this from the beginning. Almost, though, because he also really liked watching Sunghoon do stupid tricks, and the race had been fun; especially because he hadn’t been part of it.

They continued on like that until a staff member told them off. Apparently, skating while holding hands was against the rink’s safety rules. 

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