Similar Reasons

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“You like me?” Jake asked, more taken aback than ever in his life. Of course, he had known Sunghoon liked him as a friend, that much was obvious to anyone. They were best friends, the kind that gets a few risen eyebrows from how borderline romantic they acted. He’d never seen this coming.

“Yes.” Sunghoon confirmed without hesitation. “And I know you like Heeseung-hyung, but if you want to… if you are okay with it, we could… try dating?” Sunghoon’s voice got laced with nerves as he spoke.

“You’d date an omega?” Was Jake’s question after a second-long pause.

Sunghoon shrugged, trying to appear calm and collected. “I never really cared about that,” he admitted, he’d never been one to hide that about himself.

“But I thought you liked Heeseung-hyung,” Jake was trying to make sense of everything. He’d been so sure about that and Sunghoon had even confirmed it before all of this, something wasn’t adding up.

“I do, but…” he struggles to explain what his thought process is. “I like you as well,” he starts. He wasn’t sure if Jake would understand, but he had to put as much of it into words. “I like you and I know you like Heeseung-hyung so I wanted you to date him; I wanted you to have what you want.” Sunghoon started connecting this to their previous conversation. “And I thought hyung would be the best for you, he’ll treat you how you deserve… but maybe… I could be that person? If you want, of course.”

“Hold on, this is a lot,” Jake stopped him and Sunghoon nodded. Jake was probably a little overwhelmed from everything Sunghoon had admitted to.

“Take your time,” Sunghoon said sincerely. “You don’t have to agree, we can be friends and nothing more, but I thought… with what Jay said… yeah,” his thoughts ended up tangling themselves as he tried to mask how anxious he actually was; how scare he was of Jake leaving him.

“No,” Jake said, seemingly out of instinct. “I mean, yes,” he corrected. “I mean—” he groaned, unable to connect his words.

“Should I… not have said anything?” Sunghoon asked, concerned that he was causing more harm than good to his relationship with Jake. “I’m sorry, just… After Jay said that and you ran away I—”

“How did we both have the same reason?” Jake interrupted him.

“Sorry?” Now Sunghoon was the one confused. He didn’t understand what Jake was talking about.

“I thought… you wouldn’t date an omega, and since Heeseung-hyung is, well, Heeseung-hyung…” he started explaining his own position. “You like him and he’s amazing, so obviously you had to date him,” Jake said, ending his logical thought process.

“You thought I wouldn’t date an omega?” He shook his head. “More importantly, this means you’d date me, right? I’m not interpreting it wrong, right?” Sunghoon’s voice was full of hope and he knew his heart would break if Jake told him otherwise.

Jake stared at him for a moment, almost analytically. With every passing second, Sunghoon’s hands and back became sweatier and sweatier, he had to resist the urge to look away. It was a little unnerving, Jake continued to be quiet and Sunghoon was slowly losing it.

“Yes?” Jake sounded unsure, and Sunghoon’s heart was up in his throat.

“Yes?” Sunghoon asked for confirmation. “Jake, I know I said to take your time, but you are killing me here.” As much as he didn’t want to pressure Jake, he’d like to keep on living. He was so tense he felt like he was about to explode.

“Oh,” Jake felt stupid. “Oh, yeah, no, I- of course, I want to date you, we can totally date.” Jake said in a hurry, not wanting to confuse Sunghoon further. “We are dating now, no takebacks, yes.” Sunghoon felt like he was able to breathe again. “I was just trying to understand… about hyung…”

“I see, I mean,” Sunghoon held onto Jake’s hands. “I still like him, and I’m assuming you do too, but we don’t know if he likes either of us, so…” he hesitated for a second. “If I’m enough for you, we could just date, like Jay suggested.”

“Y-yeah, yeah,” Jake nodded eagerly, looking down at their hands. “I’d like that,” he smiled sweetly.

Sunghoon was overcome with his own feelings. “Would it be okay if I…” he gazed down at Jake’s lips as he spoke. He really wanted to kiss Jake.

“Yes.” It was firm and certain, but also a bit airy. Sunghoon thought Jake might have been thinking the same way as he had.

This was something Sunghoon had thought about a lot, something he wanted to do for a while. For that, he moved slowly, leaning towards Jake and giving him the chance to change his mind. Jake did not have that much patience, though, and decided to accelerate the process by leaning forward and pulling Sunghoon towards himself. It was slightly off and a little bruising, but Sunghoon quickly fixed their positions so their lips met in a soft, yearning kiss.

They shared one timid kiss. It was awkward and careful, altered by their matching smiles and tensed muscles. Then they shared another, and another, and they kept kissing until it became comfortable and familiar.

Jake had always had this specific habit, one that Sunghoon may have accidentally started to copy, which was to poke his tongue out. Logically, this meant that their innocent first kisses soon turned into fully making out. Jake had his hands tangled up in Sunghoon’s hair, while Sunghoon was busy appreciating Jake’s waist. He’d pushed Jake down onto the couch, fearing for barely a second that it might have been too much. Jake quickly made him forget any worries he might have had.

Sunghoon wasn’t thinking at all after a couple of seconds, but he couldn’t seem to care. All his mind was filled with Jake, how soft his lips actually were and how good it all felt. Tentatively, just to be sure Jake was okay with all of it, he slid one hand under Jake’s t-shirt. Sunghoon felt so hot, his hand was burning against Jake’s skin.

They’d been so distracted, so focus on each other, neither heard the front door opening or the steps getting closer to them.

“I’m pretty sure ‘no fucking in the shared spaces’ was one of our rules,” came Jungwon’s voice from somewhere behind them.

Now, Sunghoon took a couple of second to even register what was happening. Jake, on the other hand, reacted to quickly he threw Sunghoon off of him and the couch. Sunghoon could hear Jungwon struggle to breathe from how hard he started to laugh.

“Sorry…” Jake offered his hand to help him up and Sunghoon wasted no time in taking it and sitting next to Jake again, not letting go of his hand.

“We weren’t even fucking,” he told Jungwon, who continued to laugh though he’d calmed down a little.

“You were like, two seconds away from taking off Jake-hyung’s clothes, don’t lie.” Jungwon accused him. In response, Jake blushed hard, Sunghoon had to summon all his willpower not to start kissing him again.

“We still weren’t fucking…” Sunghoon complained. “We just got together, that can wait,” he added, just so Jungwon would believe him.

Jungwon hummed sarcastically, “yeah, sure, whatever you say.” He crossed his arms and stared at Sunghoon, “once you get there, it better be in your room.”

Much later, as they cuddled in Sunghoon’s room, Sunoo barged in with very loud congratulations. Sunghoon appreciated it, but he also almost had a heart attack from it. Jake was confused as to how everyone seemed so calm and unsurprised by the idea of them dating. Sunghoon had a couple of things to tell him.

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