Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Megan Chamberlain-Bockholt

Hey guys,

So I think I'm going to enter this into the watty awards, do you think I stand a chance??


Isaac’s  P.O.V

I gradually moved to go sit  in front of our main computer;  the software was outdated and the keyboard shabby, but was the best we could afford with our current budget.

The government had nearly halved our budget in the last year alone, they thought our project was a lost cause, that we would never find what we were looking for; but they were so very, very wrong.

Our years of research had paid off, we found the very person we had been searching for.

I moved the mouse to click on patient 267’s profile containing her basic details. Her name as far as we knew was Alyssa Watson; she was a rare sub-breed of an intelligent alien life force that penetrated the Earth just weeks ago. There were no names for these creatures, so for the time being they were just labelled ‘them’.

We had captured and tortured every last one of them that we could get our hands on; every time asking about Alyssa. And each time they would tell us the same thing; that Alyssa was the destined child, that she was the beginning and end to all things, and that one day she’d have the power to save her whole race.

We did have a snitch among the alien vermin; he was the sole person that helped both me and my assistant Jack to start the whole project. Jack and I had been researching their planet for years, but never getting any closer to finding them. Then he came, like a miracle, he told us he could get his people to flee the planet and seek refuge on Earth; but on one condition, we let him roam the Earth as he pleased.

It was an offer we couldn’t reject; the break we had been waiting for, it was a chance to become famous, to be known around the world.

I quickly snapped my neck to left as I heard the clambering of feet down the corridor.

I quit out of the computer and stood up to see Jack running towards me, his tiny legs sprinting as fast as fast as they possibly could.

“Isaac I’m so sorry,” he puffed, shaking his flushed face in disappointment,

“Sorry about what? What have you done?” I asked coldly;

“It, it wasn’t my fault,” Jack stuttered, still gasping for air, his round belly rapidly inhaling and exhaling.

“What happened?” I asked as I took a long deep breath in attempt stay calm,

“Alyssa, she, uh, well,”

“What happened to her?” I murmured, rubbing my temples, trying everything to remain calm.

“She’s gone Isaac. Punched a hole in the roof. Don’t ask me how. None of the others have ever been able to do that,”

“What are you doing just sitting here then?” I bellowed, losing any calmness I’d obtained, “Find her now. We need her, without her it’s all over. Do you want that?”

“No?” Jack squeaked timidly,

“Then go and find her. What the hell are you waiting for?” I exclaimed as I watched him run off.

He would do anything for me, and it was either because he looked up to me, or he feared me; but either way it still made me the powerful one.

Alyssa’s P.O.V

I sat on the steps outside some building on 84th street, watching herds of humans push and shove past each other on the street in attempt to get to their destination.

They were such self centred creatures. Only caring about themselves; and some as I’d learned are also cold hearted and egotistical.

My family had taught me the ways of the humans since I could remember; they all knew this day would come, it had been prophesied for hundreds of years. The prophecy stated that there would be an everlasting fire blazing throughout our planet, killing everyone and anyone that chooses to stay. It also stated that there would be a destined child, one with extraordinary abilities; the destined child would flee the planet along with several others, to start a new era on Earth.

That never happened though.

We were sabotaged; someone among our ranks had informed the humans about our arrival. So they hunted us down like wild animals; each time capturing and torturing us so that they could find one thing.


I wasn’t stupid, and it didn’t take me long to realise whoever told the humans of our existence also told them about me, the destined child. My friends and family who travelled to earth with me were all tortured and eventually killed. All because of me.

Which meant I had a hell of a lot of blood on my hands.

A splitting pain shot through my body, and salty liquid began to seep from my eyes. I wasn’t used to crying, I’d never had any reason to cry. Everything was content back home, but now it seems as if I’ve been taken to the place where the evil gods lurk.

“Hey, you okay?” a young human boy asked looking down at me sympathetically,

I jumped in surprise, and then looking up at him I turned away. I wanted to tell him to get lost, that I had nothing to say to another human again today; but instead I humoured him, curious to see if his sympathy was genuine.

“I’m fine,” I sniffled, wiping away my salty tears,

“No offence, but you’re a really bad liar,” he laughed, taking my hand and pulling me up,

I snapped my hand back, and angrily glared at him, my eyebrows raised in shock,

“Whoa, whoa, calm down. I was just helping you up. Didn’t think you wanted to stay sitting on that grubby step all day,”

Was he helping me?  Humans were not supposed to be capable of showing compassion of any form.

“I’m sorry. It’s just been a rough day,” I replied hesitantly,

“It’s okay, we all have bad days,”

“I guess,” I mumbled, trying to find a way to get him to leave,

“I’m Jay, by the way,”

“How cleverly rhymed,” I stated sarcastically,

“And you name is?” he prompted,

“Are you sure I should give my name away to complete strangers?” I asked expectantly,

“I just did,” he shrugged, “I told you, so you have to tell me. That’s the way it works,”

I assumed it was another stupid human tradition,

“My name’s Alyssa,”

“Well Alyssa, I’m about to turn your frown upside down,”

“Jay?” I asked,


“If I’m going to go anywhere with you, promise me you’ll stop the horribly cheesy rhymes,”

“Fine,” he sighed, dropping his shoulders disappointingly,

I wasn’t sure if he was trust worthy, but I did know that if anything went wrong, I wouldn’t think twice about eliminating him; because humans  wouldn’t think  twice about eliminating us.  

Because all humans were just self centred creatures. Weren’t they?

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