Chapter 4

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Hola everyone ^_^

Before you read this chapter I'd just like to mention that my editor hasn't been able to look through this chapter so I apologise for any mistakes and if you see any just comment and I'll fix 'em up :) Haha. Well, enjoy :D


I stared in awe. The interior of the room was over flooded with images of my planet. As I tried to make out exactly what I was seeing, the far left corner of the room caught my eye. I quickly walked forwards, ignoring Tamara’s irritated groan. 

A wave of mixed emotions consumed me, making every limb freeze; in the corner was a carefully placed pin board. The messages written on the many scrap pieces of paper were all written in Quanterian, the language of my people.

“You got any idea what those weird symbols mean?” Tamara asked, peering over my shoulder.

I ignored her question.

“Did you write these?” I asked coldly, a tear gradually slipping down my pale cheek.

“I have these dreams,” she sighed,

“What dreams?” I snapped, not managing to handle this much confusion and deceit.

Someone was communicating with Tamara. Someone stupid enough to realise she can’t speak the language of our planet. I was hurt that whoever it was hadn’t tried to communicate with me first.

“It’s hard to explain,” she trailed of, not really wanting to answer the question.

“Then explain it.”

“Look, Alyssa.” She snapped, “You may have the guts to stand up to me, but don’t chance your luck. My dreams are my business, understand?”

I turned away.

“You don’t understand,”

“Then help me to,”

“I can’t. It’s too hard to explain, too complicated for someone like you to understand,”

“Like me?” Tamara demanded, shoving me by the shoulders, “Are you saying I’m stupid? Because I highly doubt that,”

“It’s not like that, explaining means revealing years and years of secrets. Most of them not mine to share,” I admit.

Tamara stepped back and sat on the corner of her bed, her face buried in the palms of her hands. I gently sat beside her as she looked directly into my eyes.

“It all started after I found the comic. First I had these strange dreams of a blurred man, then he flashed these symbols across my vision. He’d make me write them, remember them,” Tamara choked.

I gently embraced her and felt her sobbing silently.

“Then you came Alyssa. You wanted the comic; I thought you’d have all the answers. You reminded me of the blurred man and it made me wary,” she sniffed and pushed away from me.

“I don’t know why this man’s communicating with you, but I do know what he’s saying,”

“I knew you would,” she grinned a little and perked up, “You know, I was never always so harsh towards Lyle and Thomas, he made me like I am. That guy literally sucked any hope out of my life,”

“So let me guess, I’m your last hope?”

I couldn’t help but smile, so many people had relied on me as their only hope. I just didn’t want to let them down.

“Not my last hope Alyssa,” Tamara smiled as another tear fell from her face, “My only hope,”

Each moment Tamara talked about the mysterious ‘Blurred Man’ from her dreams, the more suspicions I had as to who it was.

“If I’ve read your little notes correctly, we have to go and meet the blurred man,”

Tamara stood and for a moment was ready to slap me, but reconsidered it, possibly because you should never really shoot, or slap of that matter, the messenger.

“I don’t mean to sound like the weak one here or even the sensible one for that matter. But meet the evil man from my dreams? Are you really that stupid?”

“Not stupid. I have a hunch that I already know who our blurred friend is,”

“Who?” she blatantly asked.

“An old friend,”


We left the room with good intentions, Tamara eventually on my side. As we passed  through the living area I spotted both Thomas and Lyle playing on a game console.

“Me and Alyssa are going out for a while. Don’t burn the house while were gone,” Tamara announced flatly.

“You did not just double attack me on that last move,” Thomas threw his remote down in frustration, too distracted to hear Tamara.

“Ah, silly, silly Tomo. You are naïve to my fantastically great robot zombie killer 3 skills,” Lyle gloated.

Tamara just sighed and dragged me out of the room.

“So where do we go?” Tamara asked expectantly, trying to hide how much Lyle had embarrassed her.

“If I remembered properly we go to the top of the Kingston hotel, on the roof. Got any idea where that is?”

“Sure, it’s the biggest building in town. You didn’t know that?”

“I’m new around here. Guess no one’s had any need to mention it,”

Soon enough we reached what I guessed to be the Kingston hotel.

“We go all the way up,” Tamara pointed straight up to the top of the building,

We entered the lobby to find out that only overnight guests could use the elevator, not that I wanted to anyway. I’d never been in one before, and hated the thought of a machine speeding upwards with me inside of it. Not that climbing all those flights of stairs sounded anymore inviting.

We were both slightly out of breath as we reached the roof top; and as we did the tension I felt escalated drastically. I had an idea as to who made Tamara write all those notes, I just didn’t know how I was going to react if the ‘Blurred man’ turned out to be who I thought it was.

“You ready to face the man from your nightmares?” I asked, nervously. 

“Are you?”

I give a half hearted attempt to smile; she returned it reassuringly.

We opened the door that led to the roof, and came face to face with someone I knew all to well. I nearly fell back in shock, thankfully Tamara was there to steady me, I nodded in acknowledgement but the rest of body was frozen in its current position unable to take in the situation.

“That’s him, isn’t it? That’s the man from my nightmare,” Tamara whispered weakly in my ear.

I could only nod in reply.

“Do you know him?” she continued to whisper.

“Ahem,” the man began to speak stepping into the late afternoon sunlight, “Haven’t you been taught that whispering is rude,”

I sucked in air suddenly as I looked up into his sweet light blue eyes.

“Alyssa,” he smiled, “It’s been so long,”

His brown hair was spiked up, just as I loved it and his smile just made me want to run up and hug him. To stay in the protection of his arms forever; but I couldn’t.  The most I could do was let one word escape my lips.


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