Part 3

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NOTE YAYY: Sorry about not updating, I got hurt. Nothing to bad dw, but anyways to the story; 

The pair was awakened by a distress call from a nearby planet. Theteric was under attack from the Galra, even though they had defeated Zarkon the Galren troops continued his mission. Lance stood up stretching, his bones cracking from the slightly uncomfortable position he had slept in. Coran jumped up, the older Altean somehow having more energy than the young paladin.

"Uh Seguro, who's gonna pilot the ship-" Lance called to the Altean who was rushing to the bridge.

"QUIZNACK!" Was the response that the question got, and Lance followed the Altean. They stopped, nearing their destination on the ship, when Lance started to feel a little lightheaded. Lance passed it off, it was probably dehydration or something stupid. Coran quickly started pressing buttons in hope of a response before signing defeatedly.

"Touch it"

"Uh, did you hear that?" Lance asked, glancing around for the sound.

"What sound Filius?" Coran said, confused as to why the younger was asking that, there was no voice?

"Touch it, Lance."

"No there's definitely a sound-" Lance tried to convince the only other person on the ship, before a ringing sound split through his head and he fell to the wall.




"Lance, what's wrong?"




Lost in the voices Lance finally stumbled to the control panel, his hand grasping on the controls for support. The minute his hands touched the two poles in the middle, that Allura used for controlling the ship, a bright light filled the bridge. For Lance the voices finally stopped and his head stopped ringing, and for Coran he had no clue what the quiznack just happened. The only sound was the red paladin's ragged breathing.

"Lance what was that?" Corans' concerned voice filled the room, the question felt as if it was hanging in the air.

"I don't know." Lance responded and turned to look at Coran, earning a gasp from the gorgeous man.

"Lance! Your face!" Coran shouted, his voice painfully high.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY FACE?!?" Lance screeched and ran to the closest mirror to see what was wrong with his amazing face. To his surprise, there was nothing new- wait hold on? Lance squinted at the glass before familiar looking markings glowed.


"Looks like you're Altean." Coran said, trying desperately to figure out what on Altea was going on right now.

"OK PANIC LATER- SAVE PEOPLE NOW!" Lance screamed, mostly to himself, before running and placing his hands on the controls. The world seemed to pause for Lance, it felt as if the castle was like his lion, sentient. That was Lance's problem, he didn't question how he knew how to pilot the ship, for it seemed as if it had been implanted in his memory.

They appeared near the planet to find two or three ships, most likely they were attacking there.

"Serguro! Man the ship!" The paladin then dashed out of the room to his lion.


Lance jumped into his seat, his lion coming to life as he sat. Lances 'team' had left their lions at the castle because it was an undercover mission and even though they had all of the lions, Voltron couldn't be formed without the paladins. Lance and the red lion flew out of the castle, approaching the ships. When he came closer Lance felt lightheaded once more. Then the ships immediately started firing at him and red. Lance called upon red for the mouth blade, flying to the ships to make a close-range attack. The first ship was easy, Lance used his mouth blade to destroy the cannon. Lance then retracted the mouth blade and shot the ship down the middle blowing it up.

Moving onto the next ship, Lance just plain out shot it as it was powering up its weapons, flying to the last ship he couldn't help but to think it was too easy and quick. He just finished thinking that thought when the ship attempted calling him, Lance accepted his curious mind wanting to know why it felt so easy.

"Red Paladin of Voltron, this is General Knox speaking. Surrender Voltron or-" The man, Knox? Knox looked like a furrier version of that short dude that the team had fought. The man Knox blinked before screeching out of fear or of surprise, Lance couldn't help but to laugh because that man sounded like he was a mouse.

"How did you destroy the other ships so fast??" Knox was in shock, Lance decided he had enough and fired at the ship, using his lion's claws as he got closer to destroy the ship. Lance called into Coran to check in.

"That felt too easy." Is how Lance started the conversation with the older man.

"Well, it seems you have unlocked a hidden part of your lion, because it took you less than thirty ticks for the first two ticks." Coran responded, slightly shaky for the past red paladin could never do anything like this.

"Oh." Lance sighed, lots of stuff had happened that day and all he wanted was a nap, but Lance knew he had to check in with the citizens of Theteric. "Land, we should make sure that the people are ok."

"Sounds smart." Corran replied, not finding anything disagreeable with that statement.

"Lead the way Serguro, I'll be right behind you." Lance clarified, then he pulled out a mirror(from where? Who knows) looking at himself. Under Lance's eyes there were light blue Altean markings, even though they were beautiful Lance wished they were gone. Remembering how Allura could shapeshift, Lance concentrated on making his marks disappear. If there was a god then it seems they took pity on Lance and allowed him to hide his marks.

A sigh of relief escaped Lance, drawing in a shaky breath he realized he was in fact Altean. Lance's hands flew to his ears only to find that they were pointy and an angry grumble escaped him. Attempting the same trick he tried to get rid of the ears, thankfully it worked. Running over the list of Altean attributes in his head, Lance made sure that none fit him and that he was as normal as he could be.

Lance and Coran entered the atmosphere of Theteric, preparing for the worst. 

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