⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎i wanna make a colour⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

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Hey guys sorry its been a while, some shit happened and i havent been able to write much. Hopefully i'll get a few chapters out in the next few weeks.
Thank u so much for all the reads and votes on this story, it means a lot and im glad u guys like it so much <333 anyways back to the actually story now lol

I stood there as his mum sadly disinfected and put bandaids on most of my scars. She is such a great woman.

"Thank you again Ms Simons, this means a lot to me" i say and softly smile at her as she puts away the box of bandaids and the disinfectant spray. "Any time love, just call me Sarah. you're always welcome here no matter what" she smiles and pulls me into a hug, "would you like to talk about anything?". "Alright, and no thank you, maybe another time?" I mumble and she simply nods her head and lets me go.

"Go have fun with Tom, and Tom?" She calls out. "Yeah mum?" He calls back from down the hallway. "ill talk to you later! This doesnt mean you're not in trouble young man" she calls back and then we hear her go back downstairs. We both start giggling as we flop back down on his bed, i check my phone and my twitters going off. I open the app to check whats going on and i bare witness to the most hilarious trending hashtag ever.


"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA" i burst out into laughter and he takes my phone from me. He rereads it a billion times, turns to me and winks and blows a kiss, making him start laughing and me laugh even harder. After our laughing fits i throw my phone somewhere on his bed and got up. My smile is now plastered on my face, i cant get rid of it and my cheeks are starting to hurt.

"Oi toms, what r we doin tonight?" I sigh after stretching out my back. "I dunno, what do u wanna do?" He responds as he gets up as well, coming over and hugging me. "I heard there's this fair thing goin' on down near the melbourne star? Would u like to go with me?" He asks after a short while of thinking. "Ooo sounds fun, can we go home first so we can grab some stuff first?" I ask. "Yeah absolutely! Are you ok to go back home right now?" He smiles softly down at me and grabs my hands. "Ill be ok, thank you toms".

I pull him towards the edge of his bed, and i stand on it. "Turn around toms" i demand and he gives me a confused look before obliging. I jump on his back and wrap my legs around his waist, him nearly dropping me and i just start laughing. "If you wanted a piggyback so badly then you could've just asked hahaha" he laughs and adjusts so he's holding me properly.

He bends down wobbly and grabs mine and his phones, and then our bags, making me hold them all before walking down the stairs. Trying not to drop me of course. "If we're skateboarding I'm gonna have to drop you, sorry mate" he says. "Aw ok" i frown and jump off his back.

"Where are you two off to?" Sarah smiles as she notices us from the lounge room. "We're just off to my house and then we're going to the fair down at the ferris wheel!" I shout and she gives a shout back of "alright be safe boys!". When she said that it gave me such a warm tingly feeling inside.

{time skip cos I'm lazy}

As we reach the front door I take a quick look through the windows beside it just to check if anyone's in there, then unlock it cautiously. I slowly step inside but my dad must've heard me and somehow teleports to the front door.

"Lil! Where've you two been? Mums been very worried about you these past few days. Skipping classes? Inviting boys over? Going to boys houses without permission! Whats gotten into you!" He yells, i know it has nothing to do with mum, mum loves me. He doesn't.

"I just need to grab some things." I state as blunt as possible. "No. You're in big trouble missy" i hate it when he calls me that, its so annoying. "His names August" tommy says matter of factly, i turn to look at him and he grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"And who do you think you are son?" He says with a demeaning smirk, "you're telling me my own daughters 'name'? This fucking shit ain't a boy. She was born with a pussy! Boys don't have that.". Right when my eyes start to well up and my body begins to shake, my mum walks in with my little sister.

I turn to them quickly and wipe away my tears. "August! Oh my, I've missed you so much, i was starting to worry! Where have you been? Who's this boy you've brought home?" She says the last one with a mischievous tone. "H-Hi I'm Thomas, but you can call me tommy..?" He spits out but more as a question than a statement.

My mum puts her shopping bags down and reaches her hand out in front him, he takes is assuming its gonna be a hand shake but she pulls him in for a hug. "Ive heard so much about you tommy! Even little Eva here keeps going on about you, dunno where shes been hearing about you!" She laughs and says the last part sarcastically.

I softly smile as i watch my mum talk to toms about everything, i love how welcoming she is. Shes so much better than my dad. "So what are you boys up to? You chillin here? Or u going out somewhere? Do you need money? Food?" She asks, i can see the smile on his face but before we can answer Eva comes bouncing back into the room.

"Tommy! Come hereee!!" She squeals as she grabs his hand and pulls him to the room across from us, the lounge room. "Hahaha whats up Ev?" He asks as he sits down next to her on the floor at the coffee table. "I wanted to show you my painting!" She giggles and pushes a piece if paper over to him.

He looks at it and then at me with a confused grin and i just giggle. "Thats beautiful Ev! Very nice work with colours!" He gives her a warm smile, then she gets up and plinks herself into his lap. "You're gonna paint with me now" she states.

"Uhh, me and august were about to leave but i guess if he's alright with it, i can stay to paint with you" he gives me a pleading look and i roll my eyes playfully at him, giving him a thumbs up. I turn to grab something from the kitchen, which is right in the room next to me, but when i turn I'm greeted by my mum.

"He's a sweet boy" she says with a cheeky look. "Mum its not like that" i laugh with a hint of shyness. "Ooooo, Augusts got a cru-ush!" She whisper shouts and i slap her on the arm playfully.

"Tell me about him darling" she says as we walk into the kitchen together "what made this one special?" She asks genuinely. "Well he's just so amazing, he's funny and sweet and just a little bit crazy" i sigh while saying this as i think back to all the reasons i like him.

"If I remember correctly, this is the boy who plays Minecraft on the tv?" She asks while getting out a little nosh board of snacks for Toms and Eva. "Yeah haha" i say awkwardly "i know its a weird profession but trust me, its actually really good, I've been planning on getting into streaming too, its actually really fun!" I say trying to sound as least weird as possible.

"Im not saying its weird hun, i think its pretty cool, you get to entertain people while doing what you love!" She smiles as she chucks lamingtons on the plate. "He's a good one" she starts, huffing and look into my eyes, "i know it".

Smile and give her a kiss on the cheek and bring in the plate of snacks to Tom and Eva and i see them giggling and what looks like trading secrets. Tommy has his back turned to me but i hear his little giggles and my heart flutters.

"What are you two knuckleheads doing?" I ask and plop myself onto the couch behind them, reaching between and placing the plate of goodies between them. Mother has given us some lamingtons, truffles, jelly slice, and fairy bread.

"FAIRY BREAD!!" Eva screams and shoves two triangles in her mouth, i head my mum shout out but all she says is "EVANGELINE, INSIDE VOICE". tommy just gives a confused look and looks at the bread and sprinkles sceptically. "The hell is this?" He asks and grabs a triangle.

"Thats fairy bread dumbo! Oh wait- i forgot you're British" i roll my eyes playfully and grab a piece for myself. "Weirdos" he mutters and takes a bite from some fairy bread. "I retract all statements. This is brilliant!" He corrects himself and i smile at him, kissing him on the cheek before i get up and head to the bathroom.

"Shit he is so pretty"

sh*t he is so pretty|| tommyinnit x male OCWhere stories live. Discover now