⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎i wanna be so much more⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

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He likes me omg he likes me he likes me. I cant believe it. What do i do now though? Does this mean we're together? God please help me. Ok, i want to enjoy my time here today, so lets just leave this for later.

I squeeze his hand a little bit more and turn back to Eva, watching her stare out the window. She has the most amazed look in her eyes. Thank god she wasn't paying attention before. She would be flipping her shit!

I look back to tom and i thought he'd be looking at the view but i just see him staring at me. "Why aren't you looking at the view?" I ask and lean against him. "Because you are the most beautiful view here" he leans down whispers into my ear, turning my face bright red.

"Fucking rizzler" i mumble. He laughs and kisses the top of my head. My brain turns to mush and i go to close my eyes but the cart we're in comes to a stop. I sit up and realise we're back at the bottom again. We jump out and walk to the side so we can have a little stretch.

"Can we go again!?" Eva asks and jump up and down and grabbing Tommy's hand, at this point he's let go of mine. "Maybe later Ev, we needa try some different rides!" Tom convinces her and holds her hand as we walk around. "Want me to win you one of them fat panda things?" I turn and ask tommy, and he laughs and nods his head.

I walk over to the game and its a fucking duck pond game. I suck asscheeks at these ones. I go over and the man hands me a fishing rod, i take it and put my most determined face on. I sit there, staring as these ducks go by, waiting for the perfect one and when i see a duck with sunny's and a sombrero i snatch that one right up.

I flip it over and BOOM! I got it. Im so good. "Congratulations! You won the best prize! Here is your panda miss" the man says and looks me dead in the eyes. I stare at him and for some reason i cant move. I thought i looked masculine today...

"Sir." I here from behind me, then i feel a hand being placed on my shoulder. "He goes by sir". I turn and see tommy there, once again, standing up for me. I love it and hate it at the same time. Like you know what i mean?

"Thats not a boy. Thats very clearly a girl" the man says and gives a disgusted expression towards me, and looks back to tommy. I feel toms hand tighten on my shoulder and i get sort of scared, when he gets mad i feel rlly scared because his presence shifts and gives an eery vibe.

"Toms its ok, just leave it" i whisper and get up, i turn around and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. We walk away and here the man mutter the word "faggot". We go to grab Eva but shes just not there. All the colour leaves his face as i cant see her.

"Tommy, where did Evangeline go?" I ask, fear evident in my voice. "Fuck. Augie I'm so sorry, i went to talk to that guy and i thought Ev followed me. Fuck I'm the worst friend ever" he panics and looks around frantically.

"Its not your fault, lets just focus, shes 4! Her tiny legs couldn't have gone very far" i say, grabbing Tommy's hand and squeezing it. We walk around the area and asking around. We go up to a group of boys that appear to be around out age and ask "hey guys, have you seen my sister? Shes 4, brown hair, dressed in the same clothes as him?" I point to tommy and desperately wait, theres like 6 boys but 4 of them just stare at me, and not in the clueless way..

One of the boys finally pipes up and goes "yea i think we saw her wonder towards the mirror maze" he says, eyeing me off. God i hate teenagers sometimes. "Alright thanks" tom thanks them and drags me towards the mirror maze. We both enter, neither of us knowing what we're doing, and screaming her name.

"Evangeline! Where are you princess, Augies here!" I shout, trying to hold back tears. "It's ok love, we're gonna find her" toms pulls me into a tight hug and lets me go after a solid 30 seconds. When he lets me go we turn down every corner and continue calling out, when eventually we run into a room where we can see Ev.

sh*t he is so pretty|| tommyinnit x male OCWhere stories live. Discover now