⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎we can talk here on the floor⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

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TW |mentions of abuse and anxiety|

"I think I'm falling in love with you"

You fucking dumbass, why did you say that? He might like you but you aren't even his boyfriend. You are just disgusting. There's no way in hell he's gonna love you.

These thoughts play on for hours and hours, not allowing even 1 second of sleep. I lie awake, Augusts head on my chest, me staring up at the ceiling. Hours tick by like seconds and before i know it, its morning again. The sun blinding and the ceiling lowering.

It keeps getting lower and lower and I have to get out. I carefully yet quickly remove august off my chest and climb around Ev, and dash down stairs. My mums already up making breakfast with the dogs. My mum starts saying something but everything sounds like a blur.

She notices me putting me shoes on and all the blurry talking stopped. She knew what I was doing. I finish putting my vans on and run out the front door. the early morning breeze feels like an escape from that room, who knows how long I've been awake, or actually what time it is. i don't know why my ceiling does that but I think its just mine...

I left my phone at home so I don't know how long I've been out but I've gone around the block like 4-5 times. I cant even remember what day it is. I think it might be a Saturday. I sure hope it is cos otherwise my mums letting us skip school? Oh well.

I keep running until the suns fully up and blinding me. I take a shortcut home and quickly slip inside. I get greeted with a shout of my name and tiny footsteps coming towards me. I squat down and open my arms, full well knowing whats coming for me.

Ev runs into my arms and gives me the tightest hug, shes quite strong for a 4 year old. "Good morning bumble bee, how are you this fine morning?" I ask, mustering up the best smile i could. Im pretty good at smiling. "You left us! Augie got scared!" She responds and pulls outta the hug.

"Augie got scared? Im sorry, i just went out for a run" i look around to see if august was there but i couldn't find him. "What'd you do while i was gone?" I ask and stand up, Ev grabbing my hand. We walk to the kitchen and my mums still there. "Hey tom, how was your run?" She turns away from the stove for a second to talk to me.

"It was good, how long was i out for?" I sit down and Ev sits on my lap, pulling over a plate of half eaten pancakes and bacon. "About 2 or 3 hours?" Mum responds, handing me a plate too. "Jeez, didn't mean to be out that long sorry" i apologise, now feeling bad. Im still concerned about august though, i haven't seen him yet. "Its ok hun, don't stress" she turns off the stove and gives me a kiss on the head.

"Thanks mum, thanks for cooking as well" i say and grab one of the forks that was left on the table for me. "Hey kiddo, reckon its time to go home today?" I ask, not that i want her to, but if i have her stay any longer its gonna seem like I've kidnapped her or something. "No!" She whines, flopping down making me catch her before her head hit the ground. "You really don't wanna go home to see mum and dad?" I ask again.

"No." She gives me the sternest no I've heard in ages. I wont pry but now I'm worried. "Why not bumble bee?" I ask her. "I don't like it" she says, matter of factly. "Well thats not good, did they.. do something to you?". Jesus, whats this man done, their mum seems nice enough. Haven't had much to do with their brother.

"Daddy doesn't like me and mummy's always gone" she says and continues eating her breakfast. "Can you tell me what that means Ev?" I ask and she just jumps off me, stands in front of me and nervously takes off her shirt. There are several bruises and marks located around her body, some of which being hand shaped and some being difficult to make out.

"Ev-" "Evangeline, put your clothes back on right now, what have i told you about showing people that, daddy doesn't like it" i was about to say something but then August comes in and yells at her making her tense up. He takes his plate of food and leaves. Ev basically collapses on the floor and starts crying. I quickly jump off my chair and start to comfort her.

"Im so sorry Ev, thats horrible. You can stay here with me and Sarah as long as you want ok?" I say with tears in my eyes. " th-thank you tommy" she mumbles and clings onto me. I pick her up and we sat back at the table and finish the last of our food.

"Tommy?" She whispers. "Yeah kiddo?".

"Thank you".

sh*t he is so pretty|| tommyinnit x male OCWhere stories live. Discover now