Perfect World

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Ryan contemplates over things as he meets his newborn daughter after having survived getting blown up. Episode fic – 6x12 Under Fire.

Tags: Family, Friends

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Sarah Grace.

His perfect little angel.

To say he was proud of her already would be an understatement. To say he loves her to the ends of the earth would somehow be an even bigger understatement.

Sitting here, in the back of an ambulance where his beautiful wife had just delivered their wonderful daughter, he couldn't help but feel like time had stopped. The rest of the world ceased to exist. He could only see himself and his family.

With his wonderful extended family, standing just a few feet away, watching in awe.

He briefly caught his partner's gaze and they shared a small smile. Both wordlessly conveying their relief of having survived the incident. Getting to see another day, when just moments before they'd been convinced that their time had came to an end.

By some sort of miracle or just pure dumb luck, they had made it out alive.

But he'd missed the birth of his daughter. He wasn't around to welcome her into this world. And part of him will always regret it. While another part of him will forever be grateful for his friends unwavering determination and will.

He found solace in the fact that, in the events of his untimely death, his friends will always be around to watch over his little girl.

In a perfect world, he wouldn't have to worry about leaving her behind. But the world isn't perfect. Far from it.

Yet somehow, this moment still feels pretty close to perfect.

His thoughts were interrupted by the cough that erupted from his chest that shook his whole body with the sheer force of it. Which his partner quickly echoed moments later. Clearly, they weren't entirely in the clear yet.

"You guys should get to a hospital" Beckett said, looking between the two of them in concern.

Ryan opened his mouth to protest, only to be stopped when he felt Jenny grip his arm. When he met her gaze, there was obvious fear in her eyes. Sighing, he reluctantly nodded in agreement. If only to put his wife at ease.

The ride to the hospital was mostly filled with paramedics asking him questions. Questions he was quickly getting tired of hearing.

How often are you coughing? Do you feel any discomfort? On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is your pain?

He isn't one to usually snap at people who are simply trying to do their jobs. But he got pretty close to snapping at the paramedic treating him, especially when he kept poking and prodding at every scrape and bruise he could find, asking him over and over again if it hurts.

Luckily, Jenny was in the ambulance with him. And one look to her direction, holding their little girl in her arms, easily calmed him down.

By the time they reached the hospital, they had to be seperated. This time, so the doctors could poke and prod and ask the same questions over and over again.

His only solace at that point was the thought of his best friend being put through the same situation. And knowing Esposito, he was having a worse time with it since he hates when people asks stupid questions. He even found himself laughing quietly from time to time as he pictured his partner in the next room, grumbling and muttering as he gets progressively grumpier as time went on.

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