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I woke up the next morning and Daryl was already gone, I laid there for a moment to wake up a bit before getting up and getting dressed.

Hershel spotted me when I got to the bottom of the stairs, "Josephine!" He waved me over. I noticed his worried expression as I approached the table, "Whats wrong?" I glanced around the room and saw we weren't alone as Rick came around the corner, "There's been some sort of flu breakout and it's slowly killing off people. Hershel thinks if we find this vet place about 50 miles out, that we'll have a chance of surviving this thing." I nod, "Do you need me to go?" He shook his head, "I need you to stay here and make sure Carl and Judith are looked after." I scoff, "I'm not a fucking babysitter, I want to help." Rick clenches his jaw and goes to say something before Hershel spoke up, "It's not a babysitting mission, he means the whole prison is going to be vulnerable until we get those supplies and he needs to put his attention elsewhere, as do I, we need you to take over watch of the isolation unit and take care of any fatalities until the supplies gets here." He hands me a bandana, "You'll need to wear a face covering if you're around anyone from D block." I nod as I take the bandana from him, I look back at Rick, "Daryl's going, isn't he?" He nods, "Daryl, Bob and Michonne, Daryl went to go ask Tyreese but he's probably going to stay behind." He crossed his arms and looked me over, "Do you have any idea who would've killed Karen and David?" I shook my head, "No idea, why? What happened to them?" He sighed, "They were stabbed and set on fire." I step back and hold my stomach as the nauseousness grew, "Jesus Christ, who the fuck would do something like that?" He shook his head, "I don't know but we have to find out." I nod, "I agree." I look around awkwardly for a moment before Rick points out behind me, "Daryl hasn't left yet if you want to go talk to him before he does, just try to make your way to Isolation relatively soon, they need all the help they can get." I nod as I brush past him.

I go to the weapon table next to the fences and grab my bow before heading over to Daryl. Michonne nods as I pass her, Bob grabs my arm to stop me as I walk by, "Hey, we haven't met yet, I'm Bob." I give him an irritated look as I shake his hand, "Hi." He chuckles as Daryl approaches us, "Just as friendly as you." He says to Daryl before he goes with Michonne to help pack up the car. Daryl grabs my hand and leads me away, "Hey, did Rick catch you?" I nodded, "Yeah, he told me what's going on. I just wanted to see you before I go to sick duty." He forces a smile, "Just be careful, I don't want you catching that shit. I told Rick that you should go with me but he feels like you'd be better fit here." I scoff, "Just hope he knows if you don't come back, I have no reason to stay here." He shook his head, "Don't you say that, you have Maggie and I noticed you and Hershel got close. You've got more than me here, you need to remember that." I sigh, "You're right, you just matter to me most whether you like it or not." He kissed the back of my hand and smirked, "I know." I hug him tightly, "Just so you know, if anything goes down while you're gone, I'm taking your bike." He pulled away and laughed, "You better not." I winked and went to walk away but he stopped me, "Hey, come with me to see if Tyreese will come with us." I nod and follow him.

Tyreese is standing in front of the entrance to isolation, Daryl pleads with him to go but fails. Tyreese is deadlocked on wanting to stay behind with his sister, Sasha, who is now in Isolation. I stay behind as Daryl leaves, he stops in the doorway and looks back at me, "We should be back by nightfall." I nod as he shuts the door behind him. I stood next to Tyreese for a moment before I put a hand on his shoulder, he looked down at me with a lost look in his eye, "I can't lose her." Is all he said before he went after Daryl. I just sighed as I watched the door close before I made a little place for me in the corner to keep watch like Rick wanted.

I was alone for what felt like hours before Carol came in, "Hey, Josie. Hows everything going out here?" I shrugged, "Haven't had to put anyone down yet so I'm feeling hopeful." She sighed, "It's been hours and they should've been back by now so Rick and I are going to a nearby town to see if we can find anything helpful." I stood up, "What?" She put her hands up, "Don't worry, Daryl will be back. They probably just got side tracked or something. Can you help Hershel with whatever he needs while we're gone?" I nod, "Yeah." She forces a smile before waving goodbye as she stepped back outside.

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