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"I'm going into the city for a run but you need to stay here and watch over her." Daryl says as he gets his gear together, I sigh, "Debbie says she'll watch her though, why can't I go?" He sighs, "I want you to watch her, Jo, and the saviors." Daryl is the leader of the Saviors at the moment but he doesn't want to be, he leaves every chance he gets and usually has Eugene watch over it but today he's trying to get me to stay behind. I slick my hair back, "Maybe, maybe not." He scoffs, "Jo, seriously? Just stay. We got it." I sighed and crossed my arms, "Fine." I knew damn well I wasn't staying but he didn't have to know that yet. I watched him leave before looking back at Rosita, "Get me one of the bikes." She rolled her eyes and shook her head, "He's going to be pissed, you know that right?" I shrug, "Am I the only one around here that isn't scared of him?" She laughs, "You're the only one with no reason to be, besides her." She motions toward the baby, she's looking up at me with her pretty blue eyes, just like her daddy. I glance up at Debbie, "Thank you for watching her, I appreciate it." She smiles, "Of course." Rosita brings me a bike and I thank her before waiting a minute and heading out. I should be far enough behind him where he won't hear me by now.

I end up parking the bike far enough down where none of them saw me before going to the building they were meeting up at. I see a walker approaching and right as it got into their view, I took it out and made my way around the corner. I blow a kiss at Daryl who rolls his eyes as I pass by him. "I told you to watch over things at home." I sigh, "Eugene can handle watching plants grow." He glares at me, "You know what I mean." I sigh, "Beth is fine, you know that." Maggie chuckles, "Beth and Hershel have to meet soon, I already have a little playdate set up for when she finally comes to Hilltop."

We separate for a moment and he quietly starts scolding me, "You have to stay with her when I ask you too, we can't have other people watching her all the damn time, one of us always gotta be there." I sigh, "I know but I've been stuck at the damn sanctuary since she was born, I want to get out every once in awhile, why do you get to have all the fun?" I kiss him quickly before heading back to the others. We start slowly up the stairs after testing the glass floor in front of them, it seemed sturdy enough. I was jump scared by a damn walker falling from a few floors up and Daryl laughed at me, "Having fun yet?" I slapped his arm and he just kept laughing as Ezekiel says, "Onward." Pointing his sword forward.

We get to the next floor and go off with Cyndi, the leader of Oceanside. She approaches a canoe and seems to be having a problem getting it out so Daryl goes to help her as I continue wandering forward until I catch up to Ezekiel. He sees me once I get beside him, "Ah, Josie. Long time, no see, how's motherhood treating you?" I shrug, "So, so. I love her and all but I don't want to be stuck at home all the time, I want to have some fun too." He chuckles, "I see. You'll be having fun in no time, once we get the sanctuary thriving, you'll be having all the fun one could have in no time." I wrap my arm through his as we continue walking, "I'm just so scared I'm going to fail her, you know? What if I die or something before she even knows me?" He stopped and put his hands on my shoulders, "Do not think like that or it will be. You need to look on the bright side at all times for you, for Daryl, for Beth now." I nod quickly, "Yeah, you're right. Maybe I should bring her by the kingdom sometime, to play with some babies her age?" He smiles, "I'd love to have little Dixon at the kingdom, you're always welcome." We get to the rest of the group and Maggie points out a few things for us to take back so we haul them down the stairs.

I was made to help Siddiq at the bottom floor across from the stairs, hold the rope to keep the wagon from slamming down into the glass floor. The glass starts cracking so everyone starts moving across it extremely slow. They grab the last two things for the blacksmith and the Sanctuary before the glass starts cracking more, Ezekiel shoves Carol forward before falling through the glass. I rush up and help Rick as he pulls the rope connected to Ezekiel, everyone else starts helping pull him up as Daryl rushes to the glass opening, shooting walkers off of him. We finally get him up and Carol rushes over to him, hugging and kissing him. I smirk as I look away at Daryl, he looks pissed off as he nods for me to come over to him, I do but very cautiously. I stood next to him and he motioned down at the walkers, "That could've been you, Jojo. Do you want that to be you?" I sigh, "I can handle myself, Daryl and you know that. Whats really wrong with you?" He shook his head, "Not now." I just rolled my eyes as he walked by me.

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