1.2 "You are so loved sweet little girl"

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Akshara took a deep breath, gazing at the setting sun. Rishikesh was not what she had expected, she knew very little about the place, just that it was where her biological mother grew up and where her parents fell in love.

She didn't know why she ended up here, 7 months ago when life had decided to play another one of its cruel games on her, she had blindly gotten on a bus, and when she woke up, she was in Rishikesh.

Perhaps somewhere someone up there had taken pity on her and decided to send her to the place where she would feel closest to her parents.

She couldn't explain it but she felt her parents embrace every time the wind swept at her cheeks.

Yes, Rishikesh was not what she expected, but it had given her peace, it was where she learnt that one of her babies was still alive, it was going to be her home.
Her home which she would fill with love and joy for her baby girl.
Her baby girl, her reason for not giving up.

Suddenly she felt a sharp shooting pain in her stomach and dropped to her knees, and couldn't help the scream that left her mouth.

It was excruciating, she could feel her vision blurring due to her tears. Feel her heart pounding against her chest,
Not again.
God not again - she couldn't be loosing her daughter again could she ?
It was too early for her methidana to come out.

She could barely register that someone was trying to help her.

"Akshara we need to take you to the hospital, you could be in labour"

Kaira's POV

The last hazy memory she had of Akshara was of a 4 year old Akshi curled up next to her while Kaira read a book.

As Aarohi and Akshara grew older, Kaira's visits to Goenka house had diminished through the years.
She used to just pop in, spend a day or two with her papa and was out by the next flight. She knew her grandparents were disappointed with her behaviour, disappointed that she didn't take a stronger initiative to bond with her siblings but staying in that house, used to suffocate her.
Kairav was already in hostel and they had barely started to get along before mumma died, he did try in the initial days but quickly realised his older sister (by barely a year) needed space.
Aarohi was a determined little child, always running off chasing challenges, trying to prove herself to the world.
But Akshara was gentle, Kaira didn't know how the little one did it, but Akshi was always curling up next to her, humming as if offering silent comfort, as if trying to soothe the scars on her soul.

Kaira quickly snapped out her thoughts, she didn't know if Akshara still remembered her, but none of that mattered now, her sister needed to be taken to the hospital.

"Akshara we need to take you to the hospital, you could be in labour"

"No no, I can't, its too early , I can't loose her" Akshara cried out, leaning heavily on Kaira as they walked to the nearest auto stand.

"Bhaiya, the nearest hospital - please jaldi karo"

By the time they reached the hospital, Akshara's condition had worsened, Kaira felt a tug of worry, something was wrong, Akshara was too weak and why was she so far from home all alone ?

Everything happened in a blur, and before she knew it, Akshara was being prepped for labour
"Ma'am, do you have someone we can call, someone who you want with you in the labour room ?" the nurse asked

Akshara's face crumpled with heartbreak, she looked so small, so alone, so exhausted "N-No"

"Me, she has me, I'm her sister" Kaira stepped in, Kaira had made a lot of mistakes in life but she was not going to let her sister go through this alone.

Kaira caught a flicker of relief pass Akshara's eyes before the doctor asked her to stay back for a minute.

"Ma'am, we have to let you know, the patient's pregnancy is very complicated, there is a chance we might not be able to save them both"

"No no you have to, you have to save them both, whatever you need, you just let me know, I can have any medicines, any equipments you need brought in,
My name is Kaira Singhania, CEO of Singhania Industries, money is not an issue here." Kaira could feel her chest pounding, this hospital seemed severely understaffed, this could not be happening, why was Akshara here all alone, she could not loose more family.

"Ma'am you have to understand, there's only so much even doctors can do, the rest is upto God"  with that the doctor left.

Kaira walked into the operation theatre, she had to pull herself together, her sister needed her.

Akshara turned to face her, a grateful smile on her face "I don't know how to thank you for being here, but I need you to promise me something, promise me that if anything happens you will save my daughter"

Kaira felt her heart give away in her chest, no she couldn't loose her sister, not before she at least had a chance to make things right.

"No no you listen to me, you need to be strong, I know you are in a lot of pain right now but your baby girl is coming and she needs her mother, so you are going to fight, ok-okay your going to fight and I'm here, you are not alone" Kaira could barely hold her tears back.

Hours passed before finally at just before the crack of dawn, Akshara gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

Suddenly the machines started beeping
"Whats wrong? Whats going on?" Kaira asked the doctor.

"Doctor, the baby"

"Whats wrong with the baby, will someone tell me what's going on" Kaira yelled.

"Ma'am I need you to step outside"
"The patient is sinking, she's lost a lot of blood"

Kaira found herself waiting in the hallway, how could things have gone so wrong so quickly

Finally after what seemed like ages, a nurse made her way holding a small bundle in her arms

"What happened ? Is Akshara okay and the baby?" Kaira leapt to her feet.

"The patient lost a lot of blood, she's unconscious now, the doctors have tried to stabilise her as much as possible but the next 24 hours are very critical"

"And the baby?"

The nurse handed her the small bundle,
"The baby is also very weak, she will need constant care, the next 24 hours is very critical for both of them"

Kaira moved the cloth and was met with doe eyes, the same eyes she looked into everyday at the mirror and felt herself fall irrevocably in love.

"Hi sweet girl" she cooed

A/N :
Its a baby girl for Akshi !! (I figured I would have Kaira call her Akshi like how Naira used to 🥺)
So I'm not sure where I want to end this short story, but yeah I would have loved to see the Singhanias take care of Akshu
Do let me know what you think, if i should extend it, would love to read your views <3

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