1.14 Death Knell

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Akshara watched as Aaira hung from the jungle bars, her little methidana was getting bored sitting at home, so the mother-daughter duo decided to get some fresh air at the nearby park.

It had been a week since the court hearing and Abhimanyu hadn't reached out. She wanted to tell Aaira about her father but figured it was better to do in his presence. Although Aaira hadn't stopped mentioning the docman who had fixed her arm. It seemed her daughter was already enamoured with Abhimanyu even before knowing who he was to her.

Akshara suddenly felt lightheaded, her vision blurring before she crumbled in the middle of the park.

Birla house

Akshara stormed through the hallways of the Birla house and banged on the door of Abhimanyu's room.

She walked in to see Abhimanyu crawled up in a corner, his eyes seemingly staring at nothing.

"What are you doing? Why haven't you come to meet Aaira yet ?" She asked furiously.

Abhimanyu jumped up startled, he hadn't even realised that Akshara had entered his room.
His gaze fell on her, and the overwhelming guilt him again like a punch in the gut. Akshara's eyes were bloodshot, her frame shaking with anger.

He shook his head, and whispered "I don't deserve her, how can I - after everything I did."

Akshara let out a dry laugh, "You are probably right, you don't deserve her.
"I deserve her. She's min-mine" Tears were streaming down Akshara's cheeks, her eyes screaming with pain "I carried her for 9 months, I gave birth to her, she's mine an-and" Akshara broke out into a sob, her throat clogging up  "it's m-it's me who's going to leave her, it's me who's dying."


Akshara woke up staring at a white ceiling, what happened? what was she doing in a hospital.

"Aah good Ms. Akshara you are awake, you had us worried there for a second." The doctor startled her.

She sat up on the bed, "What happened, what am I doing here?"

The doctor hesitated for a second, "There is no easy way to say this Ms.Akshara, you fell unconscious in the middle of the park, we couldn't figure out what caused your fainting spell and so we had to conduct a few tests, I'm sorry but you have a tumor in your brain."

Akshara wiped her tears away, "So I don't care if you think you don't deserve her Abhimanyu, I don't care for your guilt, I nee-need to make sure my daughter is going to be okay, I need to make sure she has her father."

A/N -  short chapter 🙈 but yes Akshu is suffering from a tumor. Nothing serves angst like an illness track, so here's hoping I can do justice to it.  

So what do you guys think is going to happen next ? How is Abhimanyu going to deal with this news?

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