1.3 "Your mother loves you, Aaira"

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Akshara opened her eyes, only to stare at a white ceiling, where was she ? What happened ? And suddenly all the events came rushing back - the excruciating pain, the fear of loosing her baby, HER BABY !

"My baby" she gasped, trying to leap out of the bed.
"Easy Ms Akshara, you are still recovering though I am glad to see that you are awake" the doctor said, she hadn't realised she wasn't alone in the room.
"My baby? Is she okay ?" Akshara cried out.

"Yes your baby is okay, she's getting better, I must say your daughter is a fighter, we had thought we lost her, but your sister never lost hope and now your daughter is on her path to recovery."

"My sister?"

"Yes your sister, Ms. Akshara you have been unconscious for 4 days, and your sister has been taking utmost care of your baby, the good news is that both of you are going to be just okay."

"I want to see her" Akshara needed to see with her own eyes that her methidana was okay and her sister? ?She was sure the doctor was talking about the woman who had brought her to the hospital and stayed by her side.
To know that the woman ( she didn't even know her name! ) had spent the last 4 days taking care of her baby, no thank you would ever be sufficient, Akshara was forever in her debt.

"We just need to run a few tests and we should be able to discharge you, I will ask the nurse to let your sister know that they can meet you"

Kaira's POV

Kaira was huddled in the rocking chair in the children's room with the sweetest bundle in her arms, cooing at the little princess.

"And that's how sherni and mendak fell in love...."

The last 4 days had been the most difficult days of her life, but princess was getting better now and that's all that mattered, now she just hoped her sister would wake up soon too.

Just then, a nurse came into the room, "Ma'am, Ms. Akshara is awake" 

"Did your hear that little one, your mumma is awake, let's go meet her shall we"

Akshara's POV

The door opened and Akshara's heart leaped out, a pretty young woman stepped in with a bundle in her arms.

"Hey, someone's been wanting to meet you"
and handed her baby into her arms.

Akshara held her breath, and her daughter's beautiful brown eyes opened and Akshara knew that she would never be the same person ever again.
She didn't think she was capable of loving someone so much, all her life she had been told that she was the reason for all the death and grief that had plagued her family, she had started believing that maybe she was some sort of bad omen,but now looking into her daughter's eyes, if something so pure, so good could come from her then maybe just maybe, there was hope for her too.

"Your mother loves you, Aaira" she whispered into her daughter's ears.

A/N :
The last phrase which Akshara whispers in Aaira's ears had been something I read in a fan fiction a long time ago and it has stayed with me sense 🥹.
Do let me know your thoughts and views <3

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