1.5 6 years later

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6 years later

"Maasi, jaldi karo"
"Di, I won't miss the episode because of you"
"Kaira yaar, we are starting without out you"

"No no, Don't start with out me, I'm here, I'm here" Kaira rushed into the living room dropped her bag, and jumped onto the couch infront of the TV, Aaira crawling into her lap, just in time for the theme song to start playing.


Akshara was welcomed home by a familiar sight, her 6 year old daughter was standing in front of a white board with a pointer in her hand, while her siblings were huddled around as Aaira attempted to explain the latest plot of her daughter's favourite show, my little pony.

"Offo, Vatsal chachu, how many times do I have to explain its the elements of harmony"

"Yeah Vatsal, keep up" snickered Kaira and Krish.

Just then her baby's attention drifted to her, "Mumma, your back" she screamed, running towards her and jumped into Akshara's awaiting arms. God she hoped her daughter never outgrew this phase.

"Hi baby, did you have a good day" Akshara kissed her cheek, carrying her to the dining table.

"The best! Maasi, Krish Chachu,Vatsal Chachu and I finished a whole seas-"

"School, baby, did you have a good day at school" Akshara laughed shaking her head.

"It was fine"
"And what did you learn today"
"Not enough apparently, if I have to go again tomorrow" Aaira grumbled under her breath.

"What was that"
"We learned playing with numbers and Mrs.Trivedi gave me a golden star because I got everything right."
"Good girl" Akshara said, as she fixed a snack for Aaira, as her siblings gathered around the dining table with snacks and tea.

"Hey Di, good day at the academy?" Vatsal asked, sneaking an apple slice from Kaira's plate just in time for Kaira to slap at his hand.

"Yes, we had a few new admissions today" Akshara continued looking at Kaira di, "I had asked Mr.Sharma to send you the proposal about the extension"

"Yeah, he has sent it over, I looked into it, looks good, I will ask the team to start allocating the budget and hopefully we can start extending by next month" Di replied.

In the last 3 years, Akshara had taken over her mother's dance academy, and combined her music therapy to it. The academy had been doing well, and Kaira di had proposed starting a new branch this year.

The last 6 years had been good, peaceful even, her family had been her greatest support who had seen her through her darkest days and her daughter was the reason she had survived them.

Her Aaira was growing up to be a beautiful, vivacious little girl who had her entire family wrapped around her little finger.
Her baby Aaira who was the perfect mixture of her and Abhi, with her eyes and his smile.

It still hurt, thinking about Abhi still hurt, it hurt when Aaira took her first steps, when she had her first fever and all Akshara had wanted was her docman to calm her down. But that was all in the past, and all that mattered was her daughter now.

"By the way, mumma, Mrs. Trivedi said that we would be going on a school trip soon, I'm so excited" Aaira jumped around in her seat.

"Acha, where to?" Krish bhaiya asked tugging on Aaira's princess curls.


But it seemed 6 years later, the past was knocking on her door.

A/N : The show robbed us of single mom Akshu, so I'm gonna cope by writing it.

So is Aaira going to go to Udaipur ? And will she meet Abhi ?
Also I know in the show, Akshu has pursued law and left singing, but I wanted music to be something that connects Aaira and Akshu, so I will explore that but yeah she's still a music therapist.
And for story purposes, Naira's dance academy was under the Singhania's and its now in Mumbai.

Thank you for all the votes <3
Do comment, would love to read your thoughts 💜

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