Chapter 4: The Unexpected Surprise

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*Kaitlyn's POV*

Luckily, we nearly arrived at California earlier than I expected. Due to the bumpiness of the long plane ride, I had awoken from what felt like a two hour nap. I shifted up my seat and rolled open the window shade to take a glance at what is supposed to be Cali.

It was a bright sunny day, the kind of weather to my liking. I turned over to Sam, who was texting someone, I don't even know and I didn't even bother to ask since I was so damn tired.

"Are we close to Cali yet?" I asked, waiting for an answer until I got one after a very long pause from the both of them.

"Well, while you were in your dream land with Rocky Lynch, the stewardess announced the departure to our flight which is delayed to two more hours because, you know, Los Angeles, LA, Northridge, the ridge of the north, the-"

"YEAH I GET IT," I proclaimed, "And I wasn't dreaming about Rocky, I was dreaming about...pancakes," I tried to inform her, but we both knew that wasn't true at all.

"Uh huh," Sam said giving a sarcastic smirk and turning her focus to Riann, who was practically snoring, so all the passengers could hear.

"How long was she out like that? She must be real tired," I questioned.

"Yeah she is, considering she was up all night watching R5 Tv's on her phone," Sam explained, "it was her R5 Tv Marathon."

The next two hours went by unexpectedly fast that next thing we know, we're getting off the plane and heading off to our hotel that's just a few miles away. We paid for a limo along with the plane ticket which seemed to not be there.

"That's odd," I stated. "Aren't we supposed to have a limo to pick us up right after our flight?"

I knew something was up when I looked back at Sam and saw a worried and nervous expression on her face. It looked like she was hiding something that she felt bad for, which left me curious and wondering.

"Sam, why isn't our limo here?" I curiously asked, which left her even more nervous.

"Well, you see, uh, um, hah it's kind of a funny story hah um-"


"ALRIGHT, the truth is, there is no limo..."

"WHAT?!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S NO LIMO?!" I bursted in flames, nearly shouting now.

"OKAY LISTEN, while I was ordering the plane tickets, it was a few minutes before I had to leave for school and I think I forgot to click the "limo pick up" option, so when I came home I bought them right away before double-checking all the information I put, so that's why the tickets are cheaper than what we expected, and also, that's mostly the reason why we don't have a limo waiting for us..."

I didn't know what to do anymore. I wasn't feeling anything. I was emotionless. I was just standing there, expressionless, numb, nothing. It came to mind that this was probably the furthest we were going to reach R5.

"Okay, lets not panic just yet," Riann said, trying to calm us down, yet she herself wasn't even sure of what she needed to do anymore. "Let's not get frantic here, so Sam made a teeny tiny little mistake. So what? It's not like it's the end of the world or anything we just need to find another ride."

"Okay first of all, I am not hitch hiking whatsoever, second of all, I am not going in a car with some stranger, and lastly, we don't even have a map to know where we're going and we don't know where everything is!" Sam shouted in distress.

"OH REALLY THEN HOW ABOUT YOU THINK OF SOMETHING YOU'RE THE ONE WHO GOT US IN THIS MESS ANYWAYS!" Riann screamed. I think her aggressive nervous breakdown was starting to approach.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2013 ⏰

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