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I looked out the small, grimy window of my hut, watching the sun sink below the horizon. The knights would be out there soon, combing the woods, searching for any trace of me. I knew it was only a matter of time before they found this place. I should leave, but where could I go? I had no one, no allies left. Gaius would understand, but to drag him into this would be a death sentence for both of us.

As darkness fell, I steeled myself, preparing for another night of vigilance. Suddenly, I heard a rustling in the underbrush. My heart pounded as I reached for my staff, ready to defend myself. But it wasn't the knights. It was a familiar face, shrouded in a hood.

"Morgana," I whispered, relief and confusion washing over me.

She pulled back her hood, revealing her long dark hair and intense green eyes. "Merlin," she said softly. "I've been looking for you."

"Why are you here?" I asked, my voice trembling. "How did you find me?"

"I have my ways," she replied, stepping closer. "I came because I heard about what happened. I know what it's like to be hunted for your magic, to live in fear of the people you once called friends."

Her words stung. Once, Morgana had been my friend, too. But so much had changed. "Arthur will never forgive me," I said, looking away. "He saw me kill, Morgana. He saw what I am."

She placed a hand on my arm. "You saved his life, Merlin. Arthur is stubborn and proud, but he is not a fool. He will understand, given time."

"Time," I echoed bitterly. "Time won't erase what I've done."

"Nor will hiding," she countered. "Come with me, Merlin. We can find a way to make things right."

I wanted to believe her, but the weight of my guilt was too much. "And if Arthur truly hates me? If he wants me dead?"

"Then we will face it together," she said firmly. "But you cannot run forever. It's time to stop hiding and face your fate, whatever it may be."

I took a deep breath, the fear and guilt swirling inside me. Morgana was right. I couldn't live like this any longer. "Alright," I said finally. "I'll go with you."

We moved swiftly through the night, staying off the main paths to avoid the knights. Morgana led me to a hidden cave where we could rest and plan our next move. As we settled in, she began to outline her plan.

"We need to show Arthur the truth," she said. "He needs to see that magic can be a force for good, not just destruction."

"And how do we do that?" I asked. "All he sees is the death I've caused."

"We find a way to help him, to save Camelot from a threat only magic can defeat," she replied. "Once he sees that, he will understand."

It was a risky plan, but it was the only chance I had. With Morgana's help, I might be able to redeem myself, to prove to Arthur that I was still the friend he once trusted. It wouldn't be easy, and the road ahead was fraught with danger, but it was a path I had to take.

As dawn broke, we set out toward Camelot, determined to face whatever awaited us. The journey would be long, and the outcome uncertain, but for the first time in weeks, I felt a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, there was a way to make things right.

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