Chapter 10 - Back To The Hospital

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Sami quickly followed Adrian who was now sat in the living room. His head hung in his own hands. He knew he was silently crying. He went to pull him into a hug but Adrian initially pushed him away.
"Its me. It's ok." Now Adrian welcomed Sami's embrace. He allowed his tears to soon dry up.
"It's ok. I haven't told them why you walked off. They'll understand anyway."
"I still feel bad for walking off without saying anything."
"Don't feel bad, it's honestly ok Adrian."
"Can't help it. Erm, could you tell them for me?"
"About what you told me this morning."
"I want to say yes but it's something you need to tell them. I'll be there, don't worry. Only when your ready. No need to rush."
"Maybe another time. Not now, not right now. Can you ask them not to mention anything about earlier this morning?"
"Of course. I'll let them know now. Hold tight."
"Thanks Sami."

Sami returned to the kitchen alone. Randy and Dean had hardly spoke. Randy had asked Dean a few times if he was ok. He had to keep a close eye on him. Concussions aren't a thing to mess with. Yeah, he may only be out of action for a couple of weeks but the first five to seven days they had to make sure he took no knocks to the head, no matter how small. That could set him back easily.

"Is Adrian ok?"
"He's ok Randy. He will tell you what's going on but not right now. It's still to raw for him. All I will say is he's scared, really scared about what happened last night and it raised a memory he didn't want to relive again. That's all I can say."
"Will you two be ok on the road alone?"
"We'll be fine. You need to keep an eye on the lunatic. Dean?" He didn't respond. Staring into nothing.
"Dean?!" Randy raised his voice slightly.
"You alright?"
"Yeah, just like the last time you ask two seconds ago."
"It's been more than that."
"No it hasn't. When did you get here Sami?"
"A minute ago."
"Randy can I talk to you alone one second?"
"Yeah, back in a minute Dean." He nodded slighty.

They slowly walked out of the room, both looking at Dean who was clearly not himself. There was something wrong. They could feel it in their gut. You know what they say, always trust your gut.

"I think he needs to go back to the hospital."
"Yeah, he's not right. He should be better than he is now. He shouldn't be losing track of time like this and drifting out so to speak."
"I agree. Do you want Adrian and I to come with you?"
"Nah, we should be-" They heard something or someone hit the ground with a thud. Metal clanged on the floor.
"Dean?" They both said before darting back inside.

Adrian had come flying into the kitchen to see Dean, layed out on the floor. Out cold. He stood frozen to the spot. Another reminder of what happened a year ago. Sami was out cold, just lying there. This time it was Dean. He layed there, not a single movement. Not even a flinch. Sami and Randy came into the room, Adrian was still too scared to move. Randy ran to check Dean while Sami checked on Adrian.

"Dean? Wake up buddy. Stop messing man. Wake up... Dean wake up damn it." Randy said desperately. Nothing happened. Dean was still so silent, other than the movement of his chest, rising and falling, he remained still.

"Adrian? Adrian, talk to me."
"He's so still. N... not moving. Like you were. I... errr..."
"Its ok. We're gonna take him to the hospital now so they can look after him. Sit in the front with me ok? Randy can sit in the back with Dean. Randy? Is that alright?"
"Yeah, let's go now. I don't get scared easily Sami, but I'm scared for Dean."

*At the hospital*

"Friends of Mr Ambrose?"
"Yeah." Randy immediately jumped up. "How is he?"
"We have him stable. I have diagnosed him with a secondary concussion. He seems to have suffered another head trauma, has he banged his head, been exposed to a loud noise or ran and made himself dizzy?"
"Two out of three? We heard gunshots this morning and we ran to check on our friends in the house." He pointed towards Sami and Adrian when he said the latter.
"That would seem to be the cause. Its ok but he will have to have a longer recovery time before he does anything strenuous."
"Is he awake?"
"Not yet. We gave him a small sedative to give his brain a little time to rest. Its likely he will suffer with some amnesia."
"Amnesia? How bad?"
"He first received the original concussion, four days ago correct?"
"Yeah, about that."
"He won't remember anything from just before he received the concussion through until he wakes up today."
"Randy, he won't remember what Coreys men did to him. Will he regain his memory of the past few days doc?"
"He may but he may not. Its not guaranteed. You all can go see him."
"Thanks doc."

Minutes later they were in Deans new room. He laid there still. The rise and fall of his chest was the only movement of his body, just as before. He would wake soon, the doctor said in about thirty minutes.

They all sat in silence until Dean began to stir. His eyes began to twitch under his eyelids. His hand moved up to his head as his eyes fluttered open, being blinded by the light he shut them again.

"Dean?" He opened his eyes to see a concerned Randy.
"Shhhhh... You're okay."
"Why am I here? We were on the way to get something. Why don't I remember? How long has it been?" Dean was quickly becoming agitated. He wanted to remember. He was trying to but he got nothing. "Why don't I fucking remember anything?"
"Dean, you need to calm down. You have a concussion. Calm down."
"Why do I have a concussion? Where the fuck is the doctor?"
"I'll go get him."
"Thanks Sami." Randy said softly. Dean calmed himself down before he spoke again.
"Randy, whats going on? I'm confused."
"Look, Dean you-"
"Mr Ambrose. I'm Dr. Walker, this is nurse Luna."

Deans Pov

Well things just got better. It doesn't matter about me having a concussion. Hello miss Luna. You're a fine looking lady I must say. I do hope you get to give me a sponge bath during my time here.

No one's Pov

"I'm aware you can't remember what happened to you. I want to reassure you that that is normal. Don't be worried. In cases like yours, there's nothing big to worry about."
"Will I remember what happened?"
"I can't say yes or no. You could but there is a chance that you may not."
"Can they tell me?"
"They can tell you what happened but not in detail."
"That would be something I need to remember for myself?"
"Yes Mr Ambrose."
"Thanks I guess.
"Nurse Luna will be on the ward today so if you need anything, call for her."
"Wouldn't mind a sponge bath." Dean muttered quietly.
"Dean!" Randy lightly back handed slapped Dean's shoulder. "I'm sorry about that Luna. Dean's mouth doesn't have a filter sometimes."
"It's ok." She said with a shy smile. "I'll be out in the ward somewhere if you need me."
"Thanks Luna."

Seconds later she was out the door and walking down the hallway, checking on other patients as she passed.

"Dean, what the fuck was that?"
"What do you mean?"
"Sponge bath?"
"Come on, we all have that fantasy... Right?"
"Sami?! Don't encourage him."
"Never mind."
"So what happened to me guys? I want to know."
"You got jumped."
"I got jumped? Are you being serious?"

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