An eventful day

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After the cultural festival concluded the regular school days with academic periods went on. I would be lying if I said I am not missing the free periods given for preparation of the cultural festival, not because of me wanting to be lazy it's just the freedom to do the activities we want. My time in the whiteroom was always dictated by schedules. Atleast the recess has started.

Hayato: Kiyotaka mind if talk in private.

Hayato approached me with his regular smile and friendly demeanor.

Tobe: Hey where are you two going?

Tobe who also came towards me along with Ooka and Yamato.

Hayato: Tobe I just need to talk to him just give us a minute.

Tobe: Okayyyy.

The two of us went outside the classroom
And Hayato slowed his pace to give up on the lead he was walking so now we were walking side by side. This may look like a small detail but this walking or sitting side by side gives the psychological impact of us being in the same page and the mood becomes non confrontational.

Hayato: Sorry about last time when I asked you about Sagami. I didn't mean to threaten you I was just worried about her.

When he took me outside the after-party and asked about Sagami he did show a confrontational attitude even with his polite attitude. Though his worry about Sagami seems fake to me, from what I have observed Hayato prioritises to maintain his environment's nature, he is not like Hirata someone who genuinely cares about others. He was mostly worried about me being harmful to it since he is unable to understand me due to my poker face and personality.

Ayanokoji: Don't worry about it I have never felt threatened by you. Feel free to trust me I won't do anything harmful.

Hayato: That puts me at ease let's continue to get along.

He offers me a handshake which I take.

Hayato: I would like to have lunch with you and everyone but I have a meeting with the soccer club.

Ayanokoji: That's fine.

I didn't made a lunch for myself today so I went to the cafeteria to get some yakisoba bread which is really popular amongst students. I took it headed towards a different location which was the rooftop of the 2nd building of our school. That location is almost always empty which is good since I wanted to have my lunch alone. When I reached the rooftop I saw someone it was Kawasaki from my own class and she was smoking a cigarette. She always gave an impression of being a delinquent but smoking in school grounds even in this unpopular location was a step even above. What I was about to do however  was just as bad.

Ayanokoji: That's quite daring.

Kawasaki: Wha- why are you here.

She tried to hide her cigarette but I had already spotted her.

Kawasaki: Listen if you tell anyone about this.

Ayanokoji: Don't worry about it, actually can I have one too.

Kawasaki: You smoke?

Ayanokoji: Sometimes.

This was a lie I have never smoked before but this will give her a sense of comfort that we were the same. She did seem wary at first but after me asking for a cigarette gave her a sence of relief it's like a how a thief meets another thief they won't feel any resentment as they do the same wrong.

Kawasaki: Here you go.

She offered me a cigarette along with a lighter I torched the cigarette and then took a breath in allowing the smoke to fill my lungs. The rush of nicotine made my head feel lighter I can understand why people take pleasure in this.

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