Pt1(Sexual Connotations, Sexualization, threats, bullying)

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Kincardine Falls would seem like an overall college for freaks to ordinary people but it in deed the whole purpose for Kincardine Falls was to display the diversity for all the super mystical people. Winter break was officially over as the college doors had opened back up to welcome everyone back with warm gentle greetings. This is the daily welcoming at Kincardine Falls College. Being Joy was a newbie to the college she needed assistance getting around the campus as it was totally foreign to her system. As Joy was being guided down the hallways to her classes by one of the staff who worked with the special education pupils. Of course every school has there rebels who hang out in the corridor walls to sniff out all the newbies in the school for perfect targets.

Once Joy was lead into her chemistry class the teacher Mr. Oh welcomed Joy to his class but as the class greeted her she found her way to an empty seat to sit in. When Joy was getting situated Joy's bag accidentally brushed against the woman's arm. Immediately upon noticing her bag hit the woman covered in beautiful tattoos Joy looked for the name tag on the woman noticing her name was Amber Liu. Joy soft spoke out leaning into the woman apologizing for the bag hitting her. Amber gave Joy a small gentle smile with a nod acknowledging the apology also picking up on the vibe Joy carried. Amber could tell something different about Joy and she couldn't wait til after class to discuss a few things with Joy.

Mr Oh sat down behind his desk pulling the PowerPoint that had contained today's lesson projecting it on the whiteboard. "Ok class today we're going to learn the basics of chemistry and why it's important. What is chemistry and it's importance? Can someone answer?" Half of the classes hands went up into the air to eagerly answer the question and as the teacher selected a random student Joy grabbed her notebook to jot down the important information needed. The student Mr Oh selected was a bit nervous but managed to answer the question clearly. "Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, properties and change of matter. Which matter is defined as anything that has rest mass and volume it meaning it takes up space and it is made up of particles. Chemistry is chiefly concerned with atoms which is a basic unit in chemistry and their interactions with other atoms. Chemistry is very essential for meeting our basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, health, energy, clean air, water, and soil. Chemical technologies enrich us in our quality of life in numerous ways by providing new solutions to problems in health." Mr Oh applauded the student for their very detailed answer getting ready to move on to the next question but waiting a bit seeing all the students had their heads down buried in the notebook writing it down quickly with Cornell notes.

Mr Oh proceeded to with his PowerPoint once all the notes were written. "Now the history including basic facts of chemistry is very interesting and I hope you guys also find it intriguing. AlChem is the protoscience of Chem. Protoscience the study of normative criteria for the use of experimental technology in science. Alchemy tried to explain the nature, properties and transformations of matter. Based upon that, the transition from alchemy to modern chemistry as we know it, started in the 17th century,
So, the difference between chemistry and alchemy is the application of the scientific method. Everything that you can observe microscopically is made of chemicals. Even us are made of chemicals, our food is chemicals, we breathe chemicals, we live out of and thanks to chemicals, everything you see under the sun is a mixture of chemicals."

The whole class was dead silence from this basic complexity of this subject. "Now class I know this was a lot to comprehend for one day but I promise you all slowly relearning in your own time and space will help you. If you need help at anytime on this classwork please ask me questions and I'd be more than willing to help." As Mr Oh handed the paperwork out the fire alarms began going off which startled all of his class. "Alright class line up, line up in a single file line please." Amber nudged Joy gently with a small smile extending her hand out for Joy to grab as she stayed close to Joy noticing the anxiety attack forming in her colleague. Amber leaned over whispering to Joy being they both were in the back of the line. "Joy? Am I right? Yea? I know loud noises are startling but it's ok. I'm right here by your side I'm not gonna leave you. I know we are strangers but I'm Amber Liu and I can't wait to know you more. You seem like an interesting person! So what your special ability?" Joy was taken aback by the sincerity of this woman just had a met today. "Oh, well uh, I'm an Angel.. but may I ask you how you knew I was having an anxiety attack? Also, why are you're being so nice to me?" Amber whispered back to Joy with caressing the top of her hand. "An Angel? Wow that interesting I knew it from when you walked in. That's why you seemed so different to me! How did I know you were anxious? Your hand twitched, you bit your lip and started bouncing your leg. Yeah heh I have other people I know who do the same techniques." Joy stayed by Amber finding her to be her first but only friend in this new college.

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