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The calendar had flipped quickly into an another day meaning it was already Thursday August 3rd. Time keeps flying by like always and each time everyone Joy knows either grows older or has passed away. Life is a precious gift that you can only do once which means you should live your life without regrets. Joy woke up stretching feeling an extra presence with her in own room looking over seeing her man laying next to her completely knocked out in a deep sleep which made her more comfortable to lay with him for five more minutes.  Jonghyun pulled Joy in closely pressing into her soft warm body refusing to let Joy get up again. All Joy could do is let out a small chuckle giving him a smile while cuddling back  into her lovers arms feeling safe leaving every care in this world behind being secure right where she is.

Five minutes passed by very quickly which Jonghyun whined as he mumbled out incoherent words still being sleepy getting woke up by the alarm patting around the bed and dresser in attempts to reach for Joy's phone to silence it only to run into Joy's chest letting out a little boy giggle being excited he grabbed something. Joy shook her head muting the alarm gently taking Jonghyun's hand off her chest putting it down to his side leaning over kissing him as she went to get her clothes. Standing in front of her mirror looking at her body for a while as she took her hands roaming over her stomach squishing her insecurities to show some self love. After a few minutes she looked away grabbing her clothes attempting to get dressed expecting Jonghyun to be asleep. To her surprise Jonghyun rolled over putting his forearm on his forehead grunting stretching out looking around for her then focused in on Joy's direction seeing what she was up to slowly sneaking up on her disrupting her plans wrapping his arms around her waist sneaking his hands all over her naked body softly planting tender kisses in her nape. Jonghyun smiled brightly keeping a hold on Joy whispering  soft assurances into Joy's ear comforting her in the best manner possible. Joy smiled leaning back into Jonghyun's grip letting him do as he pleased getting overwhelmed with so much love leaning up stealing a kiss from Jonghyun which Jonghyun quickly matched Joy's needs. Jonghyun took one of Joy's hands spinning her around pressing their bodies together again stroking down her left cheek pushing her loose hairs that made their way out from her braid tenderly but skillfully making Joy blush with his techniques. Gliding his thumb across her soft plump lips flustering Joy even more before picking her up  sitting her on the dresser cupping her jawlines leaning down kissing her keeping Joy at home for as long as he could before they had to work. 

Joy wrapped her arms around Jonghyun's neck pulling away from the kiss as Jonghyun slid his hands to her waist making Joy tilt her head back showing off her pearly whites only to get  attacked with tickles. Jonghyun knew this was one of her weaknesses so he only took to the point where he knew it was safe. Joy screamed out with a joyful laughter mixing in jerking around away from the tickle monster hoping off the dresser continuing to get dressed throwing a nail file right at Jonghyun's forehead playfully. "Now baby you know today and tomorrow are going to be pretty hectic. Seems like Monday's and Tuesdays from here on out I will be busy. The only exception in this month is Monday August 21st but the rest of days in the weeks I'm free! Yay which means more time for us right baby?" Jonghyun caught the nail file laughing softly putting it down on the dresser stretching out again reaching for Joy's brush and hair taking the braid out brushing each strand softly as he could before putting it up for her. "That's right baby and you know for at least three weeks my mother will be in the hospital so in between visiting hours I will definitely be with you my princess~ you're very beautiful you know that? Mrs Kim~ it has a nice ring to it dont you think my wife?" Joy stood still as she could letting Jonghyun do his thing glancing back at him through the mirror letting her jaw hang low in utter shock as to what was just said. Jonghyun popped Joy's jaw shut continuing with her hair finishing up doing an excellent job while laughing softly. "Well seems like the cat has got your tongue~ you know I like when that happens it makes you even funnier because you're just so lost for words. You're my cute little doll aren't you?" Joy smiled like a child planting her face right into his chest  squealing out happily before peaking up at him. "Mm I think I could really use to the last name Kim. And not to mention you did my hair very well darling, I love it so much thank you baby. Oh yes I am your little cute doll but you better know this dolly has teeth, knees, fists and feet. Not only will I fight you like a man but I could possibly destroy you." Jonghyun laughed knowing his shawty couldn't hurt him even if she tried. "Sweetie, I mean this with no disrespect but you can't even harm me. I'm way too strong for you and can even overpower you if I choose to but I'm not going to do so because I'm not an asshole like that. So baby girl chill out because you know that you're not gonna win this fight even if you wanted to fight which I know you don't. I love you how have a great day at work ok?~" Joy gathered all of her belongings heading out the door to go meet her mother then completes a few tasks that are necessary for surviving.

Jonghyun had to go back home to his mother to ensure her safety seeing she was also a sickly woman. Both of them were so busy with their mothers it wasn't funny but they enjoyed doing what they did ensuring the wellbeing's of both mothers. As the day went on by the time continued to fly by and it was enough to mellow everyone out by the time it reached 5 pm.  Dinner was served at 5 for Joy and her mother at a nice restaurant then 8 for Jonghyun and his mother. The two families enjoyed one another's company while cherishing more of the bonding time.

(AN:I'm sorry this is short I'm preoccupied and don't have much to write about)

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