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Graduation season had already come to pass in June as it dismissed the senior college students out into the world to fulfill their ultimate dreams. Time continue to tick by as the pages on the Calendar kept flicking from month to month within a blink of an eye.  Life forced so many people to grow up before they were ready it was so insane that no one could hardly think about tomorrow as if it was from the beginning of time. So much had happened already in just three months with the Kim/Liu family. Jonghyun just turned 23 back in April making him eligible for a lot more options in the workforce. As he focused his eyes on a certain job there was no way you could get this boy to settle down and make a choice on just one career choice. All he could dream about doing is being a barista considering he has experience in that field but due to current circumstances at the house, he faithfully took care of their sickly mother.

While Amber got a job helping the veterinarian's clinic just two towns down from her home the family had less time together with her seeing how she kept herself busy. Joy had a similar problem to Jonghyun's but didn't mind it one bit. Joy did miss Jonghyun a lot through the summer days longing for their school reunion or a date in the meanwhile of time. Every day when they both had time would chat or arrange dates for each other to spend quality time through the most of a busy schedule. As it went for the rest of the gang everyone had separate summer lives. Key had gotten a job at a wing joint strictly for the summer and everyone by then knew him for being the sassy waiter down at their local restaurant in the area. He was a main attraction that helped Wing Stop flourish lately from its dry spell. Everyone who heard about him poured in witnessing his beyond A+ perfection serving skills, jokes and whatever else he had to offer his endearing customers raking in some serious bucks from those he served. V and Suga both worked together as mechanics assistants at the same place swinging together like inseparable soul brothers. When cars, motorcycles, four wheelers and whatever vehicle you could think of came in for service the main boss showed the boys the ropes on how to fix everything perfectly also correctly to make a satisfied customer. As it went for Minho he got a job down at Planet Fitness as a workout planner helping others stay fit or simply get their bodies back for different reasonings. Minho was the perfect touch of seasonings needed for motivating the people as he became a main character in bringing life back to the gym considering the people who attended before his being there a lot of them with memberships failed to come in or chose not to work out at all taking into consideration all of the negative reviews and overall service that they had. Which was terrible for the gym as the stocks plummeted tremendously.

The squad would soon be reunited most funnily way ever that no one would've ever thought of. July now rounded down to the 12th quickly Striking everyone with pure shock knowing their jobs would get even hectic up until September welcoming the fall. On Amber's day off she loved going down to Key's place of work at Wing Stop not knowing he worked there until he showed up at the entrance greeting her leading her to the table waiting on her. "Oh if it isn't Missy Prissy what can I get started for you?" Amber looked at the menu sucking her teeth with rolling her eyes playing it off acting annoyed. "Since when did you start working here? Well mister, "I think I'm better than everyone" you can get me a nice cold Pepsi with the Party pack boneless wings of course. Considering I love my sauces so I'll take the garlic parmesan, spicy Korean bbq, mango habanero and teriyaki sauces with two ranch dipping sauces please also with a large coleslaw if it's not too much to ask. Oh for dessert it'll take a triple quadruple chocolate brownie please and thank you." Key stood there with his mouth wide open getting done writing down her order looking down at her repeating the order back teasing her knowing she was a tough cookie. "Damn woman, what the hell? How many people are you eating for? I have 50 pieces of chicken in the party pack which are four different flavours, celery that's complementary, two ranches for the fries, a large coleslaw and a Triple quadruple chocolate brownie to complete your order. Is there anything else you'd like llama drama? Oh to also answer your question since college let out for the summer uhuh anything else you nosey brat?" Amber took her menu hitting Key in the arm softly while laughing.  Key attempted to get away from the hit but gets hit anyway laughing softly taking the menu out her hands flicking her forehead running away quickly getting her order in.

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