1|| A Series of Envelopes

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"Mint!" Peppermint called from the front door. "You think you could help me out with this?"

Mint immediately came rushing to his boyfriend's aid. "What is it?" he asked, resting his hand on Peppermint's shoulder.

"These envelopes were mailed to our house — each with our name on it, including CC." Peppermint picked up the envelope with his name on it. It was one of those fancy-ish envelopes, with a red-waxed stamp sealing everything in.

Mint grabbed the envelope for him as well. "Huh. Weird," he said simply. "Did anyone mail these to us? Perhaps Triple-Scoop?" Mint hesitated saying Triple-Scoop's name most of the time, after what she did to him and Peppermint.

"I don't know... but I don't think it's her," Peppermint replied, now picking up Candy Cane's envelope. "She's the type of Marker who'd either call or text us, or just stare into our windows until we notice her." He stood up and started walking to his older brother's room.


"What the heck are these?" Candy Cane asked, looking at the letter Peppermint handed to him. "I mean, I know it's an envelope, but what's in it?"

"Not sure," Mint answered. "And, before you ask, it's not from Trips."

"Agh, dang," Candy Cane cursed bitterly. "Well, if it's not from her, then who's it from?"

"Again, not sure." Mint shrugged.

"How about we just open them?" suggested Peppermint. "You know, just to see what's inside?"

Candy Cane and Mint nodded agreeably. In unison — as if they all were one person — they opened their envelopes.

They all pulled out the letter inside and started reading:

Dear [Name],

You have been invited to a gathering. This gathering is similar to a deduction game. Fifteen special, chosen people like you have received this same letter, with somewhat different wording. Here are the coordinates: XX;XX. Please meet there later today. The gathering will not start until everyone is present. After everyone arrives, you will have 15 minutes to start and complete a meet-and-greet, and then the event will begin.

Below this paragraph is a role. You must keep your role a secret. This role will determine your team, and who you will work with. Everyone will have a different role, with the exception of one team. There will be three teams, all with five Markers in them. You cannot tell the Markers in your team what your role is either. No matter what, you must keep your role a secret. If you need an object for your role, it will be in your room. It will be somewhat hidden; it will need some looking-around for.

[Name], your role is [ ]. Your job is to [ ].

Thank you for your time.


After reading the letter, the tense air of curiosity could be sensed by everyone.

"So," Mint said, breaking the silence, "could anyone tell me why we were chosen?"

"Not sure..." Peppermint muttered. "I don't think I'd be very good at my role though—"

Candy Cane shushed his brother immediately. "Remember what the letter said, young one." he exclaimed like a NPC in a RPG. "No mention of your role."

"Oh, right, sorry," Peppermint mumbled again.

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