7|| Twisted Truth

41 0 28

Day 5-Night 5

Even though it seemed like nothing was happening, everyone couldn't help but worry. Was the murderer taking a break? Did the murderer have a change of heart?

Apparently so, because the lights turned back on without anything wrong. No casualties whatsoever... somehow.

"Looks like nobody died, huh?" the PA voice announced. "Well, I guess that's good — you guys can take this as an opportunity to clear your suspicions."

"I guess that's the best way to spend our time..." Peppermint mumbled. "CC, what's your role?"

"Spy; Good Team," Candy Cane answered. "But what about Mint?"

"A survivor," Mint replied. "I was originally upset about it, but now I'm kind of glad...!" he chuckled lightly.

Peppermint nodded. "Foliage, you're a Savior, correct?"

"Yes," Foliage answered. "I revived Purple, who was a Twin, correct?"

"Yeah, Diff. Chart was my twin," Purple explained, "so when Danger killed him, I died too."

"I'm the Psychic — Good Team as well," Dark Markery said. "In case anyone is wondering, Mint is on the Good Team, so he isn't lying."

"Woah, woah, woah!" Triple-Scoop interrupted. "Hang on a second, I'm the Psychic and Mint is on the Evil Team, for your information."

"Really now?" Dark Markery asked, invading Triple-Scoop's personal space. "I think we have an impersonator on our hands."

Triple-Scoop pushed Dark Markery away. "One: get the [he--]out of my personal area. Two: I think the same thing, you little faker."

Dark Markery chuckled menacingly. "Oh, do we now?" he asked with a smirk.

"I think we do." Triple-Scoop placed her hands on her hips sassily.

"What's Candy Cane's team?" Dark Markery asked quickly, taking out his journal.

"He already said his—"

"What is it?"

"Evil Team!" Triple-Scoop answered. Pretty sure I screwed up here, she realized quickly.

Candy Cane hesitated, then shook his head. "Nope, sorry."

Triple-Scoop winced in frustration. "Shoot," she muttered. "W- Well, what about Foliage?"

"Pfft, that's easy. They're obviously on the Evil Team," Dark Markery replied, crossing his arms.

"Sorry, Li— Dark Markery," Foliage commented. "I'm a Savior — Good Team."

"[Da--] it!" Dark Markery cursed. "That was too easy — but Purple is on the Evil Team, for sure!"

Triple-Scoop smiled, bitter and glad. That smile stayed on her face for a while. "Oh, you little imbecile...!" she snickered.

"What, was it something I sai— wait..." Dark Markery realized. "Oh [sh--]."

"You've been changing the roles to their opposite teams, haven't you?" Triple-Scoop's eyes glimmered with victory. "I've been right all this time!"

"Except about mi—"

"I KNOW THAT, CC!" Triple-Scoop yelled, then sighed, clenching her fists. "Anyways, I was right about two of them. Meaning... you're an Evil Psychic!"

The PA turned on. "Or, more specifically, the Dark Psychic," the voice said. "Either way, you're right, and there's enough people to prove it. Correct, Dark Markery?"

Dark Makery was silent. Apparently, Triple-Scoop was too good to be beaten, which only surprised him slightly. She stuck to what she believed, and she'd do whatever it took to prove her point.

"W— Well, she could've been doing the same thing!" he protested instead. "You can't just pull the one-sided card on me!"

"Oh, but I did." Triple-Scoop sassily waltzed over to Dark Markery, getting all up in his face like he did to her. "How does it feel, huh?"

"Not good," he admitted through gritted teeth.

The sound of a squeaking chair rang through the PA. "Cast your votes, everyone."

"We already have," Mint finally said. "Host? Eliminate him."

"Wow!" the host remarked, clicking a couple of buttons. "We all love when the optimistic one acts all assertive, don't we?" It laughed to itself. "Ah, I'm just kidding! Aaaaaand... good-bye!"

Dark Markery was gone. Like everyone else who was eliminated before him. His journal dropped to the floor, and Triple-Scoop immediately picked it up.

She pumped her fist in excitement. "Yes! I was right!" she exclaimed.

"Who knew? Even a broken clock is right two times a day," Peppermint mumbled in amazement, smiling at Triple-Scoop.

"Y'know, I would be offended if you weren't right," she replied, punching him slightly.

Then, like everyone suspected, the lights flickered. They flickered with pride, knowing that no one could do anything to get each other out of this.

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