3|| Out for Blood

58 0 26

Day 1-Day 2

The mysterious speaker's words had affected everybody. Almost everyone was feeling the nerves of this game, and everyone was now wondering what they got into.

"You know, this seems like a reality show," Difficulty Chart commented.

"It kinda does, actually," Danger replied. "Especially with the cameras and stuff."

"Imagine if this is a reality show," Candy Cane suggested.

Peppermint edged closer to Mint. "I hope it is," he said.

"If it is, you know that I'm gonna watch it over and over again," the PA speaker commented.

At first, everything seemed fine — forgetting the PA messages, at least. Other than that, everything was all right.

Until the lights started to flicker.

"Wha—" Wild Marker began. Forbidden clutched his arm tightly, emanating fear and worry.

"Everyone!" Candy Cane suddenly exclaimed. "Stay together; it's the only way we can know everyone's still here!"

Everyone started gathering into groups of 3 or 4. They were all somewhat grouped together anyways, but sticking together was a failsafe.

After about one minute and a half, the lights completely went out. There was almost no noise, except the broken TV static, and the crackling fireplace.

"Wait, guys!" Serenity called from somewhere in the darkness. It seemed to be coming from the other side of the room, near the kitchen. "The fireplace is still burning! If we go there" — she started walking towards the fireplace, her movements justified only by a dark silhouette — "we might be able to see each other better!"

"Wait, Seren—" Zen began.

But it was too late for their warning.

Serenity's high-pitched scream echoed from the living room. Her body fell to the floor, and her killer stood over it. Despite the two of them being relatively close to the fireplace, no one could make out the murderer's shadow — nor their weapon used — before it disappeared without a trace.

Everyone erupted in panicked, confused, and overall shocked chatter.

"The letter didn't mention anything about murder!" Mint protested.

"Exactly," the voice on the PA said as the lights turned back on. "That adds to the unexpectedness, now does it?"

Now that the lights were on, everyone could catch a glimpse of Serenity's body. It seemed she was killed in one simple hit — as the only wound anyone could see was on her chest.

"You're sick," Zen cursed.

"Well, I take offense," the voice whined. "Think about it. I didn't kill Serenity, the Murderer did." it paused. "Is that correct?"

"Well—" Zen stuttered, struggling to speak. He sighed in defeat.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." the voice said, its voice cold in tone. "Anyways, as all of you know, Serenity has died." If the voice was a person, it'd be pointing right at Serenity's dead body. "She was killed by the Murderer. Does anyone have anything to say about it?"

"Yes, I- I do," Peppermint said.

"Ah, then let's get along with it, shall we?"

Peppermint nodded, and pulled out his journal. "Before the lights completely shut off," he began, "I wrote down three Markers that might be Neutral. I mean, the list isn't limited to one, this is just a guess."

"Hang on, 'Neutral?'" Mint questioned. "Where'd you get that from?"

"A guess mixed with experience." Peppermint smiled. "This is similar to Flicker, a deduction game Danger taught me about."

"Yes to both of those things." Danger nodded. "This does give off Flicker energy. To explain it, the Neutral Team—"

"Is a team where the teammates are neither good nor evil. They're a mix of the two, and have no evil intentions, or are half-and-half," the voice finished. "I know how Flicker works; I play it in my free time."

"Anyways, the three people on my list are: Serenity — she's dead, so I think she's in the clear — Triple-Scoop, and Danger." Peppermint closed his journal. "Again, the list isn't limited to one Marker, and it might be wrong.

"I'm Good Team, not sure about Danger, though," Triple-Scoop said, backing Peppermint up.

"I found Serenity's journal," Grass said, and started reading. "It said she's a Survivor — Neutral Team."

Peppermint smiled happily. It seemed he was wrong about being bad at his role.

"Does that mean that I'm Evil Team or something?" Danger asked. "Just making sure. I know I'm not, but you know, Flicker instinct."

"Maybe... but probably not," Peppermint replied, shaking his head. "Someone will have to check that—"

"It's Danger!" Difficulty Chart suddenly yelled, bringing all the attention to him. Everyone stared at him, with shocked and startled expressions, plus a confused and hurt stare from his best friend.

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