Am I weak?

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I woke up to the view of familiar faces. It was my sisters. But how did they?

"We know you're wondering. We know what dad did. We sent them to rescue you Rhiannon." Kel, the eldest said.

The one who suggested I leave the house if I'm not comfortable with our dad living there.


"We know it doesn't make sense to you but-"

"You left me! All of you! You guys knew he killed mom!"

"Rhia lis-"

"Don't you dare call me that! Don't!"

"We're sorry Rhiannon...we weren't thinking right at  that time. We thought he'd changed. We had no family left..." Marga, the second said.

The one who didn't know whose side to take but yet stayed back.

"What about me? Am I trash? Aren't I family too?" I said almost letting a tear fall.

I was annoyed. I wanted to be with Caden and no one else. He wouldn't come looking for me now.

"You should get some rest, you need it. I'll wake you up when the food is ready."

Marga suggested that they leave me alone for some time.

I rolled myself on the bed and covered my head with the blanket.

Don't cry, don't cry... please. I kept telling myself.


The night went by as i sat at the rooftop thinking if Caden and Valia and their family were okay. I hope so.

Maybe i shouldn't have, it was for the best. I had to find a way to stop Daniel and my dad from hurting them.

But, i ran away now. What if? OMG!

I went back to my room and everyone was there. By everyone, i mean my sisters.

"We thought you ran away."

"That's what I'm known for...but not anymore" i responded.

"The food is ready..." Kel said.

"Get all the weapons you have, get me clothes that are fit for killing as well." I demanded.

"What?" They asked in shock.

"Teach me how to shoot, basics of fighting and get me a bat."

"Rhiannon, this is no joke! You can't play arou-"

"Do i seem like I'm joking? My friends are in danger and you think it's a joke?"

"We can handle this"

"You can't handle anything... I'm not going to sit back and watch. Teach me! Are you gonna teach me or not?" I asked with folded arms.

"We'll teach you but you'll be back up.."

"Sure whatever.." I shrugged.


Here I was standing in front of a punching bag wearing a black sports bra and shorts.

"Take one leg slightly back and keep your arms in the form I mentioned know how to munch a fist" A guy named Nath who's... apparently crushing on Kel was training me.

I nod in response.





" has to be a hard punch."

"Is this what I'm going to be doing?? They have probably been kidnapped by now and this...this is what you're gonna teach me??" I was frustrated.

"This is the basics know nothing about fights."

"Skip the basics! Teach me something beyond me...I need to be fast!"

A punch came right to my nose and I was a bleeding mess. I held my nose and moved back in shock.

"What was that for?" I asked through blurry eyes.

"You wanted it the hard way right? I'm teaching you the hard way." Kel replied.

I see why Nath is crushing on her...fierce huh?

I got up, took a stance and threw a punch towards her abdomen.

She caught my fist, twisted my arm behind me before it could reach her.

I yelped in pain.

"Your punch is slow, you have no balance and you react to pain." She hissed.

"I have emotions Kelana, I'm not like you." I said through gritted teeth because it felt like my arm was coming off.

She moved her arms up to choke me which made me struggle for breath. I kicked her knee and she stumbled letting me go.

I turned around and threw another punch directed towards her face. She already had a punch coming my way which hit right where my stomach was. It felt like everything in my stomach was gonna come out.

She pushed me on the floor after twisting my arm again. I groaned on the floor.

"Get back to punching. You're weak." She left rather mad than glad.

I mean she got the ending statement...cus I had agreed that I was weak.

I stood up and held the punching bag. I punched it a few times out of rage.

I was mad that she could beat me up but most of all, mad that I was truly weak and couldn't even defend myself. How could I defend Caden and Valia?

"Don't look at me." I caught Nath staring when I looked up.

He put his hands up in surrender.

"It's... it's just one has ever made Kel stumble." He said surprised.

I sighed.

She must be really good at what she does. All this while, I thought she was way weaker than I am.

"Are you ready to continue?" He asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

I nodded.

HE TAUGHT ME HOW TO GET A BOYFRIEND Where stories live. Discover now