Chapter 63: Blades run deep

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(Suji's POV)

The surprise separation from Mimic was an easy thing to fix, with Izuku and I being by ourselves it was going to be challenging but won't take as long. What was unexpected was encountering a villain by the name of Madam Blade who appeared to be here waiting for us.

 What was unexpected was encountering a villain by the name of Madam Blade who appeared to be here waiting for us

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Madam Blade: You two seem very calm given your current state. Is it that you're stunned by my presence?

I feel like this lady just likes to hear the sound of her own voice, but Izuku and I don't make a move and assess the situation more carefully.

Suji: Not technically, I just tend to be more cautious when it comes to meeting strange people in dark rooms.

Madam Blade: I suppose that's true... But I'm not just some "strange person" my little one. I am Madam Blade of the Devil's Hands.

Izuku: "Devil's Hands?" What is that?

Madam Blade continues to keep her devilish smile before answering Izuku.

Madam Blade: The Devil's Hands, my dear, is an underground villain organization. One that remained in the shadows until now, but this isn't the first time you've encountered us. Right, Suji Kyoryoku?

My eyes widened as I suddenly remembered the ambushes and attacks, Sound-Wave, Ekitai, Kesseki, and Skull... they've been on my case for a while now.

Izuku: Su...Muscle-Bound, what does she mean by that?

Suji: I took down a few thugs who tried to mug me, turns out those thugs were a part of this organization. The ambush at the warehouse, the kidnapping at the training camp, this organization always appears in one way or another.

Madam Blade: And yet here you are again, wrapped up like a little present.

My glare increased as I get into a battle stance, Madam Blade take her coat off of her shoulder as she puts it on fully.

Madam Blade: But, seeing as though his Lordship still wishes to meet you personally, I'll give you the choice. You agree to come with me to see the Lord, and I'll let that little green-haired cutie behind you live.

Izuku: C-cutie?!

Izuku continued to stand behind me as I stood my ground and looked at her intensively.

Suji: And what if I refuse?

Madam Blade: ....Then I'll kill him and drag your body to him by force.

She raised her hand as the black nails extended into long blades that rushed past us both, we managed to dodge them by a millisecond as the nails reached the opposite side of the room. As we dodged another blade rushed towards Izuku as it cut his arm.

Izuku: Gah!

Suji: Deku! Are you...

Suddenly I see a blade coming from her other hand heading straight for me, as quick as I could, I leaned back to go under the nail. It grazed me leaving a small cut on my cheek but not harmful enough to beat me, I leap out of the way with Izuku following my lead as he used Full Cowling to make a quick escape.

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