Chapter 72: Dance with the Devil Pt.2

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(Watch Opening)

(Third POV)

As the battle between Suji and Diablo was happening, the scene shows Skull, Echo, and Sharpshot still on the roof watching the fire and gas covering the front of the Hassaikai stronghold. Skull cracked his finger as a beep is heard getting his attention, pulling out his phone and sees something that makes him smile.

Skull: Sharpshot, call the boys and have them ready.

Sharpshot nodded as she folds her gun before putting it into a briefcase next to her. She pulls out her phone and begins to make a call as Skull places his hand on Echo's shoulder.

Skull: Echo, Proceed with the extraction.

Echo nodded raising her hand up as the white warp gate forms on her hand.

In random locations, the other members of the Devil's Hands were doing their own parts of the mission. Equilibrium was standing beside Twice and Toga as the warp gate formed next to him as he simply walked into it. Nitro-glycerin was standing in a hallway setting off explosions, destroying the Hassaikai underground corridors and other locations. He spots the warp gate as he smirks before walking through it. Back where Kirishima and Suji defeated Power-arms, the big villain remained unconscious on the ground as the warp gate appears from under his body as Power-arms sinks into the mist disappearing out of sight.

Back up at the front of the Hassaikai stronghold, Infectious and Overburn were still keeping both the lower Hassaikai members, heroes, and police from getting near the building as Ryukyu's team was nowhere to be seen.

Infectious holds his arms up as the heavy green gas pours out from his body as he notices the white warp gate behind him on the ground.

Infectious: 'I guess it's time to go...' Overburn! Our getaway is here, let's go!

Overburn doesn't acknowledge Infectious as he keeps the fires going, chuckling maniacally as he thrusts his arms forward to increase the size and heat of the flames. His teammate continues to call out to him.

Infectious: Overburn!

Overburn: Hehehe.... It's beautiful!!

Infectious looks over to the arsonist to see that there was a warp gate behind him as well, quickly he reached up to his head and activated an earpiece.

Infectious: Skull, we have a problem. Overburn's gone crazy again.

After a few moments, Overburn started to tense up causing the lighters to stop as the arsonist was thrown back into the portal. Infectious stayed for a few more moments before he walked backwards jumping into his own portal leaving the police and heroes confused.

(Izumi's POV)

Worry. That's what filled my mind as Aizawa and I run down the corridors looking in every room hoping to find Kaminari. I was worried about Mirio and the others who got separated from us earlier, I was worried about if Nighteye would be alright, worried about Izuku who was the only one left to fend off against Overhaul... and I was worried about Suji, every part of my body was hoping that he would come back alright as I hold my head down fighting back the tears.

Aizawa: Hurricane, you okay?

Izumi: Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just worried about everyone out there.

Aizawa stopped by a door and opened it to check, though nothing was found in the room as he started to run again.

Aizawa: I understand where you're coming from, but we have to focus. ChargeBolt is down here somewhere and we can't waste anymore time than we already have.

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