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Y/n began remembering details from her own story very clearly. 

First she tried to remember what were the characteristic traits of Sung-Min. 
First of all Sung-Min was an arrogant greedy bitch. She wanted to become a princess and marry the young prince of the nation. Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook was the second son of the current king and second queen Jeon Solna. 

However Jungkook never liked her back since she was always clinging to him and acted like a sappy lover. Second thing in the story was the elemental powers. Each character has a certain level of a type of power in this world. Level 0 was when the person had no power. Level 1 was weak power, level 2 was medium power, Level 3 was strong power but it exhausts soon, Level 4 was amazing power which takes time to exhaust and level 5 was ultimate power. Jungkook had the power of fire and it was at level 4. The strongest fire power was owned by Jungkook's mother Jeon Solna who had level 5 fire power. However after her death Jungkook is the strongest in the nation. 

The crown prince Taehyung had the power of lightening like the king. He had a level 3 lightening power but was so cunning and intelligent that he was cool to Jungkook's hot. 
Sung-Min was  a side character so she has a level 2 power of wind. What a disgrace Y/n thought. If only she was born as the heroine or some other better character!

In the story the heroine will soon make an entry as Min's servant and as Sung-Min keeps meeting and pestering Jungkook, they meet and Jungkook has a love at first sight with her. Then Sung-Min gets jealous and tries to kill her and boom...Jungkook punishes her. With death.
As Y/n worried she remembers. She is the fucking god of this universe. She wrote and build this story. of course she can make life better for herself. She knows what to change. 

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