Chapter 19 (Fire In The War Room)

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Chapter 19

Location: Jedi base on the Planet Shedu Maad.

That was why this meeting was called. Of course the location, of Kesh was still a secret, but that was about to change. It was clear from earlier surveillance that at least part, if not all, of Vestara's payment for assassinating the Calrissians, involved some as of yet unknown benefit to the lost tribe of Kesh. If, as suspected, she was still viewed as an outcast to the Sith, then she probably would not hesitate in bringing them this gift of contrition, in order to rejoin her people.

So the ploy was simple: Follow the tracker they had placed on Vestara back to Kesh. They were doing just that. So far they had observed that she was headed away from the core in a direction opposite of the Maad system, which meant: Wherever Kesh was, the Jedi would need to start moving a strike force in that direction ASAP, since she would already have a head start by at least a day.

So the "Discussion" began in earnest and continued with nervous anticipation and the odd outburst. Besides the Masters that sat on the council, present in holographic form were some impressive names: Admiral Gavin Darklighter, Head of the GA Marines and Special Ops. Admiral Nek Bwua'tu Head of the GA Navy. Queen Mother Tenel KA, Ruler of the Hapes Consortium. Golvar Dosin ruler of the new council of elders on Klatooine.

All these individuals considered the Jedi as close allies, and for various reasons had  great incentive to neutralize the Sith threat once and for all.

The Hapans, would not forget the multiple attempts made by Sith assassins on the Queen mother's life, and on the life of her heir.

The Klatooinians likewise would not forget the blasphemous act the Sith had committed on Klatooine 3 years earlier.

The Galactic Alliance? Well that was a complicated affair. While the Chief of State's office and the majority of the Military's Leadership recognized the threat posed by the Sith, a large portion of the senate and the Coruscanti population saw little distinction between the Jedi and the Sith.
This was thanks to well placed propaganda and the mass casualties inflicted by the great battle that raged for day's between the Jedi and the Sith.

While chief Dorvan could not be present at this meeting (plausible deniability 101) the two admirals present had fought alongside the Jedi, against the Sith and Abeloth. They would not be absent for the battle of Kesh, but they had to do so without the Senate's consent or even knowledge.

At the end of the day, all of the above mentioned Allies really pulled through. The Klatooinians would be able to muster up a modest fleet consisting of 10 older Marauder-class corvettes from their Hutt serving days.
The Queen Mother would order the Consortium Royal Navy to give command of it's third fleet to the Jedi. The "third" had an impressive composition: 4 Battle Dragons, 10 Nova Class cruisers, along with their accompanying squadrons of Miy'til fighters.

Since the GA couldn't be officially involved, Admiral Darklighter would be bringing along one of his small undercover Special Operations squads. This consisted of 1 Nebula class Destroyer along with its compliment of mix matched fighter squadrons, 3 heavy cruisers, and 2 older corvettes. All the ships appeared on the outside to be dilapidated, battle-worn and bore the markings of pirates. But on the inside they had cutting edge technology along with elite "Black Ops" troopers. Admiral Bwua'tu would serve as chief strategist since he had a reputation for being an architect of victory.  The Jedi would send a fleet of  60  StealthXs and most of the Order's Masters would serve as Generals leading the ground fight. A group of 700 Jedi knights, would reinforce all trooper battalions.

After 2 hours of deliberation, the details had been hammered out: The Mixed fleet battle group would rendezvous in 12 hours in the Hapes system. After that they would head in the direction of Vestara's tracker and follow it to it's final destination.

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