You're just not the girl for me

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A Stacey's mom (dad) au (Imagine Harry as Frat Boy Harry and Louis as 2017 Louis)

"Hey Stace, can I come over after school?" Harry asked his best friend as they walked out of their math lesson. It was July and the middle of a heatwave.

"Yeah, sure Haz, wanna hang by the pool? You can probably borrow a pair of my dad's trunks," Stacey replied.

"Did your dad get back from his business trip yet?"

Stacey was a pretty girl, even Harry's closeted gay self could see that, but the real ticket was Stacey's dad.


In Harry's eyes Louis was the perfect DILF, and since Stacey's mom ran off with her boss, Harry thinks that Louis could use a guy like him.

"Yeah, he's been back a week or so, I'm still going to mums this weekend though. I'll message dad and let him know we're coming over," She responded.

And yes, Harry has no idea if Louis is even into guys, let alone the best friend of their 18 year old daughter. But Harry can still admire from afar and wank in his bed to thoughts of those blue eyes and that gorgeous body. Louis was only 34, so their age difference wasn't as massive as it could've been due to Louis making a few teenage mistakes leading to the birth of Stacey.

Harry's been friends with Stacey since they were 10 and Harry first moved to town. They were sat next to each other on the first day of the school year and the rest was history. And then Harry met Stacey's dad and he had never been happier to be invited round someone's house for a birthday party he didn't really want to go to in the first place.

He was just perfect in every sense. When Harry was 11 he didn't quite understand why he wanted to be near Louis whenever he went round her house but as he matured over the years it only became clearer – he knows it might be wrong but Harry was utterly in love with Stacey's Dad.


When they got to Stacey's house, Louis was in his office working but Stacey popped in to ask if Harry could borrow some swimming trunks; which he agreed to. Stacey took Harry to her dad's room so he could get changed and well, of course Harry took his opportunity whilst Stacey got changed in her room and told him to meet her by the pool when he was ready.

Louis' room.

He'd never been in here before, never had the reason or opportunity to breach the threshold of the room his crush.

It was messy, bed unmade and clothes on the floor. One of the bedside table drawers was slightly open, Harry couldn't help but peek inside, pulling the drawer open a bit more. What he found made him blush.

A lovely green string of anal beads and a black butt plug looked back at him from inside the drawer.

So maybe Louis was into guys.

"Okay, this is an unforeseen development," Harry whispered to himself. He closed the drawer back to how it was before and walked away over to the wardrobe, stepping over the clothes on the way. His wardrobe smelt like him. Harry could've buried his face in the soft sweaters forever.

After a few minutes of stroking the clothes and smelling them, Harry located the swimming trunks. He selected a pair that were bright yellow and very short – not really Louis' style at all in his opinion but totally his own. He got changed quickly and left his clothes in a neat pile on the ottoman at the end of the bed before making his way downstairs.

"You took ages Haz! I've been in for 10 minutes already!" Stacey shouted from the water. Harry was internally mortified but kept it cool on the outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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