On a Wednesday, In a café, I watched it begin again

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To celebrate Red (Taylor's version), a cute, short, first date au inspired by Begin Again. Where Harry's ex was awful to him, and Louis is everything his ex wasn't. (There is lots of references to both Begin Again and All Too Well in this)

Harry was nervous. He had a date soon with a cute guy he'd met at the gym on the weekend. All he knew was his name: Louis.

He already sounded better than Harry's ex Nate.

It had been 8 months since they'd broken up, a tumultuous period of fighting after an 18 month relationship that Harry almost wishes never happened. He lost a part of himself in that relationship, possessive grabs, marks, and rough sex being a favourite of Nate's that would leave Harry bruised and in pain for a few days afterwards. He wasn't always like this, at the beginning, when Harry was still naive and innocent, Nate took him on romantic dates and danced in the kitchen with him. Tough there was constantly chipped nail polish dusting his fingernails because Nate didn't like it when Harry painted his nails and would often refuse to go out in public with him if they were painted. Brutal honesty and broken promises haunted Harry to this day. Nate promising to change, being the person he was when he met Harry for an entire evening until they had sex. Nate would say Harry was awful after about 3 minutes, then pull out and finish in the bathroom leaving Harry feeling used and marked like a ragdoll.

Harry was slowly but surely finding himself again now though, wishing he could go back to being the person he was before Nate came into his life and tore him up into pieces.

Painted nails were a recent development he finally felt confident doing again. It'd started with simple, plain colours that didn't stand out too much but were still noticeably there to Harry. His hair hadn't been cut since the breakup either, it now reaching his shoulders as it used to before Nate said he hated how long Harry's hair was 3 months into their relationship. Eventually it would be as long as it used to be, and he'd once again be able to braid it for yoga classes.

Harry took one final deep breath in the mirror before leaving his house. Turning the lock, putting his headphones in, and grabbing his bike from the side of the house. He cycled at a moderate pace to the café, not wanting to be super sweaty or tired for his date. Once he arrived at the location, he quickly chained his bike to the bike rack before turning his headphones off and putting them in his backpack.

He was a couple minutes early to their agreed meeting time, but much to his surprise when he entered the café Louis was already there. The man stood up and waved at Harry whilst he looked around upon entry. They smiled at each other, Harry moving through the café to sit with Louis at his table. Louis pulled the chair out for Harry, helping him get settled before sitting back down in his own seat.

Louis begins the conversation, Harry still feeling shy and nervous about the whole thing, jumping straight into asking Harry about his work and hobbies, and complimenting his nail polish colour – pale blue. Harry is almost stunned by how different it feels to be with Louis than it did to be around Nate, who never really showed interest in Harry telling him about his most recent crochet projects and the patterns he was working on designing. He asks Louis the same things, learning that he's a physiotherapist and loves dogs.

When Louis laughs, as Harry very quickly learns, he throws his head back almost like a little kid in excitement. He actually thinks Harry's bad jokes are funny, which is new for him. Nate never found any of the jokes Harry told funny and constantly asked him to stop telling them. Louis appreciated his bad jokes, even telling a few himself, causing the pair of them just to be laughing together in the middle of the café. Louis tells him he's funny, much to Harry's surprise.

Louis doesn't even know how nice he's being. Harry doesn't even think he's trying hard to be sweet and kind like Nate used to – buying him expensive gifts and taking him on extravagant dates.

This simple date, on a Wednesday, in a café Harry has visited hundreds of times in his life, is somehow the best date he's even been on. Without a doubt.

For the past 8 months, Harry never thought he would find love again, let alone find a person so perfect for him like Louis is. Love seemed terrifying and impossible to Harry after Nate crumpled him up like paper and threw him to the side.

But Louis.

Louis gives Harry hope for the future, that maybe one day he would find a love and be happy.

Maybe Louis could be that love?

After they finished their drinks and food, they headed out of the café, the date having come to its natural end and both men needing to get back to work.

Harry contemplated telling Louis about Nate. About why he's been so shy today and that Louis has been unknowingly the kindest person the world to him today. And as Harry's unlocking his bike chain, Louis starts telling him about the films his family watches every Christmas and asks Harry if his family do anything similar.

Any thought about Nate leaves his mind as he responds to Louis' question.

That Wednesday, in that small café, Harry watched it begin again.

Authors note: not very long and there's zero dialogue but I thought this would be cute Hope you enjoyed it xx

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