Dear Patience,

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Louis and Harry are trying to have a baby. Featuring an afab trans harry (he/him) and an amab nonbinary louis (they/them).

(Afab = assigned female at birth. Amab = assigned male at birth)

March 15th 2021

Harry wasn't pregnant.

"Lou, can you come to the bathroom please?" Harry called out into the bedroom from where he was sat on the toilet.

"What do you need love?" Louis said as they poked their head into the doorway of the small room.

"Can you grab me some different underwear? My periods started," Harry mumbled quietly.

Ever since stopping his testosterone treatment a year ago in order for the couple to try and have a baby, Harry's period was a constant burden in his life. Despite not having much dysphoria over his vulva and uterus and desperately wanting to have a baby, his period frequently made his mental state so bad he would refuse to leave their bed for its entire duration. Sometimes Louis couldn't tell if it was the body dysphoria or the lack of pregnancy that made Harry so depressed those 5 days each month. The couple had been actively trying to get pregnant since Harry's period became regular again roughly six months ago. And each month Harry would get a negative test followed by his dreaded period.

Louis nodded in response to their spouse, quickly going to the small drawer in the wardrobe that contained the underwear Harry would only use when on his period and grabbing the pair closest to the top. They handed the underwear to Harry with a comforting smile before leaving once again to grab the hot water bottle and put the kettle on.

Whilst Louis was waiting for the kettle to boil, Harry wordlessly shuffled out of their bedroom wearing the baggiest hoodie and joggers he owned and wrapped his arms around his partner and pressing his face into Louis' back.

"Was two days late so I was gonna test, got my hopes up this morning for nothing," Harry murmured into Louis, sniffling as a few tears fell down his cheeks. Quickly, those few tears turned into Harry sobbing causing Louis to turn around and pull their spouse into a tight hug.

"It's okay love, we'll get there soon," Louis said quietly, comforting Harry as he cried. The process of trying for a baby had been mentally taxing for them as well. Louis hated seeing how upset Harry would get every time his pregnancy tests would come back negative, them having to keep it together to comfort their spouse even though sometimes they wanted to breakdown and cry just as much. Struggling to conceive was hard for cishet couples let alone a couple where one half was repulsed by his own body every time they didn't succeed. Both Harry and Louis felt like they were failing the other at a basic task.

Harry's doctor had assured him many times that once his periods got regular, there shouldn't be any reason why they couldn't conceive naturally without any other fertility treatment. Neither of them wanted to do fertility treatment because of the potential effects it could have on Harry's transition. Louis had supported Harry throughout every stage of his transition - starting testosterone, getting top surgery and now his decision to pause testosterone until they had kids to complete their family.

"I just feel like the only thing I've ever wanted my body to do apart from change is have a baby, that's all I want from my stupid uterus before I get rid of it, I don't understand why it won't," Harry explained. Louis hugged him tighter until the kettle had finished boiling. Carefully they took Harry into the bedroom and got him settled under the covers, turning on the tv and giving him the remote. Louis went back into the kitchen and prepared the hot water bottle, grabbing snacks and water before joining Harry again.

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