They don't know about us

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Prompt: Harry and Louis are both high school teachers, they're married but the students don't know. They have their suspicions though - Harry and Louis were never good at being subtle

Louis and Harry were both very excited for September. Back-to-school season was always the two teachers favourite time during the school year, after the summer holidays of course. This year, they were extra excited because they were finally going to be working at the same school for the first time.

Louis was a drama teacher and had been working at Doncaster High School for 2 years already when Harry, a music teacher, was due to start. Originally they had both applied to the school at the same time, but due to a miscommunication between the music teacher retiring and the administration, it meant that Harry couldn't actually be hired officially for 2 more school years.

They had never worked together before, at first they thought they didn't want to, sharing a workplace, relationship, and home with someone was daunting. After working separately for 3 years, they had decided that it would be better if they just worked at the same school – it just didn't happen until now, 3 years after they had decided (they had to wait an extra year before applying for September jobs as they only decided in the summer).

This September was also very exciting as now the 2 men were married, tying the knot on the first day of the summer holidays, July 23rd , and then spending a whole month on their honeymoon in Jamaica (which they had spent the past 6 years saving for). Despite their recent nuptials, and that they had hyphenated their surnames, Harry had kept his teaching name as Styles and Louis kept his as Tomlinson – it was easier for administration and the students if there wasn't two Mr Tomlinson-Styles teaching in the same school.

None of Louis' previous students had ever known he was in a relationship, let alone engaged, so the couple made the decision to not tell the students that they were married. It was also partially a judgement thing. Even though rates of homophobia have come down in recent years, teenagers can be vile and mean. The last thing either teacher wanted was to have students not respect them because of their sexuality.

They weren't going to act like they didn't know each other, instead opting for friends that met during their teacher training. It wasn't a complete lie. Apart from the fact that they also fell in love during the second year of their university course in Manchester. Their 6 year engagement following Louis' proposal on graduation day wasn't exactly expected by the couple who had become fiancés after only knowing each other for 3 years.

Anyways, back to the first day of the new school year. Harry was nervous to be teaching at a new school, only slightly comforted by knowing his husband was only a few doors down. They had spent the past two weeks setting up Harry's classroom with the help of a few of Louis' co-workers and good friends of the couple. Zayn, the art teacher, had helped Harry plan the layout of his bulletin boards and decorate the doors to the practice rooms in the class. Liam and Niall, PE and English teachers respectively, helped Louis with perfecting the layout Harry desired. At the end of the process, Harry was very happy with his classroom and couldn't wait to teach in it. Now, he was almost dreading it.

They still had 30 minutes before school started and Louis was still in Harry's classroom instead of getting ready to teach in his own.

"You are an amazing teacher, Haz, you have nothing to worry about," Louis told his husband from where he was sat at Harry's desk, watching Harry pace around the room nervously.

"Its, its just a new school, what if the kids don't like me or think I dress weird?" Harry stuttered out, running his hands through his hair for the thirtieth time that minute.

"Well, sometimes you do dress weird love," Louis claimed.

"Not helping Lou, I'm serious, what if everyone hates me?" Harry said as he shot Louis a look of annoyance. Louis held his arms up in surrender as he got up out of the chair and walked over to Harry, grabbing the sides of his arms to keep him still.

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