Shit, maybe I miss you

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Prompt: Louis always calls Harry when he's drunk after a night out. Harry never picks up but always listens to the voicemail (canon-compliant set 2017-2018)

8th May 2017 – 'Sign of the times' video release day

"Harry, Hazza, baby...Its been a while hasn' it. Can't even remember th'last time I saw you in like real life. I saw that thing of you flyin', always knew you we're destined for the stars you know? I 'aven't seen any of the boys recently thinkin' about it, maybe Nialler a couple months ago. We used to see each other every day now I'm measurin' it in months, its mad.

I miss you. I never think I do and then it gets to the early hours of the mornin' and all I want is to be in your arms again, 'ave my little spoon by my side, pretending we can be whoever want, pretending we had freedom.

I'll be waiting for you if you ever wanna come and, uh, see me or somthin'.

Bye Hazza, baby."

19th May 2017 – Harry Styles carpool karaoke with James Corden

"Baby, I wanted to watch it but I just couldn't. Reminded me too much of the last time, you in the middle and me squished next to you. Good times, good times, we were like proper in love then eh? I defin- definitely didn't know what was coming. Didn't know 1D break mean' Harry and Louis break too.

I'll still be waiting for you if you ever want that break to end, bye baby."

21st July 2017 – 'Back to you' video release day

"I think I miss you too much, baby. You cause me so much pain but I – I still love you, I still want to be with you, be yours.

Bebe says I should try and move on. I tell her it's a break and one day, maybe one day we'll get back together. Eleanor thinks its stupid that I'm waiting for a maybe one day.

Bye baby."

8th December 2017 – 'Miss you' video release day

"Baby, the song is about you... I miss you, bye baby."

Harry pressed the lock button on the side of his phone after listening to the short voicemail for the 5th time. He hadn't yet listened to Louis' new song, having judged from the title that it was about him. Louis just confirmed that fact himself.

Based on the voicemails he had received over the year, starting back in May, he figured that Louis hadn't listened to his album. The one where he poured his soul out with how much he loved and missed the blue-eyed boy. Harry didn't want to pressure him, Louis needed to hear those words in his own time, when he was ready to hear them.

The drunken phone calls from Louis we're tempting to pick up. He had actually missed the first one but after that it became habit to just turn over his phone when the caller ID said the letter L. He'd apologise to the company he was with when it happened, they'd tell him 'it's okay you can take the call'. Harry had no idea how to tell them he was ignoring a call from the love of his life. Whose heart he broke.

Shattered more like.

16th June 2018 – Harry Styles Live on tour Toronto

Harry had just finished another show on his tour. It was nearing the end with only 15 shows left. He hadn't heard a word from Louis since that one night in December and had decided on New Years Eve that he would answer the next time he called.

The phone screen lit up displaying the single letter L.

Louis was calling, and Harry picked up.

"baby, 's been a while since I talked to you. No clue if you ever listen to these messages- "

"I do."

"baby, is that actually you? Don't tell me my minds been playin' tricks."

"Please stop calling me baby, Louis."

"Sorry, baby. Anyway, I called to tell you I finally listened to your album, the one with you in the pink bath."

"Don't call me baby again, Louis."

"It's about me innit?"

"Of course it's about you Louis, who else would it be about?"


"Because I realised that the one person I couldn't live without was you. Nowhere in this world felt like home and it took me a while to figure out that it was because you weren't there. Touring with the boys was easy because I had you to be my home. I lost you and my home all in one conversation in a hotel hallway."

"Harry – I – I don't know what to say to that – I"

"Come to my show. New York. 22nd. Tell me after the show."

Harry hung up the phone. He left his dressing room and found his tour manager to tell him to leave one VIP ticket out for New York night two. 'who for?' 'him'

22nd June 2018 – Harry Styles live on tour New York night two

"Hazza, I know for sure that you won't pick up this time. I can see you out on that stage just being the performer you always are. You didn't let me answer last time, I don't think you even expected me to actually come. Here I am. I think you know now, with how you keep looking up at me. Especially during 'Sweet Creature' and you're cover of 'You're still the one'. Really know how to tug at a guy's heartstrings don't you.

You're still the one for me too, you always will be.

Home will always be you as well. No doubt in my mind about that."


Authors note: kind of short but I hadn't put something out in ages (sorry!). Working on another one-shot for this book but it's getting quite big - should I post it in parts?

Also check out my other book 'Heart in an elevator' its a 1dxgreys anatomy fic with larry as the main couple. You don't have to watch the show to read the book, it will still make sense

Hope you liked it, if you have any requests leave them in a comment here and I'll add them to my list :)

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